Ch. 24

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Danielle's POV

Did he just growl in my face?

A frown picks up on my face and due to pregnancy hormones I am beyond upset.

"Aiden...back away from me...I don't like you in this state of mind and you could probably easily kill me right now. So please back away." I order calmly. My heart tells me that he would never hurt me with or without memory but my brain tells me he doesn't even know who I am.

Suddenly Ace and Nevaeh bursts in and Aiden growls threatening them.

Damien tried to walk near us causing Aiden to growl even louder as a warning he's about to attack.

"You come any closer to her and I swear to the moongoddess I will end your life." Aiden growls caving in on me.

"He doesn't have his memory." I explain causing Aiden to frown while having me pinned against the wall.

"Fuck...we are taking him home." Ace says sighing.

Without hesitation Ace walks closer to Aiden and although Aiden is growling at him Ace grabs his arm and pulls him towards the exit.

When we get home we are all sitting in the living room with Aiden right next to me and the others on the opposite side of the room due to Aiden's aggression.

"Aiden I don't feel safe right now." I say quietly.

"And I feel like I am protective over some woman I have never met in my life who claims I lost my memory." He taunts with a ice cold voice. I flinch at his words and scoot away from him.

"Aiden. I am not some woman to you. I am your mate, your girlfriend, the mother of your child, the woman who you love. Now I dare you to disrespect me again and I promise to the moongoddess I will burn you alive." I growl out staring him in the eyes. His eyes twitch a little and little emotion is shown on his face.

"You know what. I am sleeping in my room tonight." I say grabbing my phone standing up.

A growl escapes his mouth and in seconds I am pinned against the wall. "Aiden..if you hurt her I will fucking kill you." Gabby growls lowly standing up along with everyone else, "Aiden she bares your child..."

"I'm not going to kill her." He whispers keeping his harsh eyes staring into mine. But again those damn sparks and his scent finds a way to capture my attention.

Everyone leaves the room leaving me with him after I asked them to leave and Aiden looks at me. "I don't know who you remember or who you think you remember but I am not him. The only thing i know is that you're my mate and that apparently my name is Aiden." He says trying to make things clear with me.

I'm ignoring every word he says examing how his scars make him ten times more sexy. And that his eyes are shades lighter now.

"Are you...aroused right now?" He asks raising a eyebrow sniffing the air.

"No. You're ugly you do not arouse me." I lie.

He smirks and rakes his eyes over my body most likely noticing my baby bump, and I see a white string of hair hang down his face, and I almost saw my Aiden in those eyes.

"So when I put my hand like that?" He whispers softly placing his hands on my lower waist. A pleasurable shiver goes through my body and I close my eyes to take a deepbreath.

"You see I was the dominant one in our sex life." I lie flipping us around.

"Now that I know for a fact is wrong." He says re-flipping us around but this time with a little more force and my legs wrapped around his waist.

His eyes darken and the veins in his body turn black. "Aiden..." The fireworks in my body are setting off and Jasiri is beyond happy.

But all to soon he immediately puts me down gently and exits the room in one swift movement leaving me here looking lost. I feel a little sad but I still head to rummage through through the kitchen for watermelon. Nevaeh pops up behind me scaring me a little.

"When I was pregnant I used to crave watermelon." She says grabbing the water melon and cutting it 

"My mom used to give me sliced watermelon and we would eat them on hot summer days." I say grabbing one of the slices.

"Oh I know your mother. She is one of our best spies isn't she?" Queen Nevaeh asks.

"'s sad she's not around as much no more. But I know she is just trying to keep clothes on my back." I say shrugging.

"Look I am so sorry for what you are going through with Aiden...we are all
having a very hard time finding out that he may never have his memory back." She says resting her hand gently on my  shoulder.

"Yes he just zoomed off just a minute ago." I say playing with the plate of the watermelons. 8

After talking with Nevaeh for a while I decide to go the garden remembering how I was dragged away into the woods. I close my eyes and wash away the horrible memory.

I'm staring at the little pond and how the humming bird is flying around so peacefully.

"Time to finish what my brother started." A voice says behind me I turn around but its too late. I already have a gun pointed at my head and the moment feels just like deja vu.

Ok Aiden marked me. I can mindlink him.

Aiden. Um can you please save me. I'm being dragged out into the woods. Please...and I am at gun point.

"..." Is my response.

Ok until then I can fend for myself. As he drags me away I kick him in his knee which causes him the remove the gun from my head. I take this chance to kick him where the sun doesn't shine and make a run back to the castle.

He's bent over groaning and cursing at me. I smile and speed up. I see the castle and right before i break out of the woods a gun fires off and I can hear the bullet right speed beside my ear.

"Take another step and the next bullet goes in your head." He growls out. I stop right in my tracks and this time I don't try and fight him off.

I go through Deja vu as the guy whose name I forgot throws me to the ground. I fight him off as much as I can which causes him to push the gun back to my head.

But the grass around us catches on fire making a circle around us. He stops what he's doing and frowns at me  "I thought you lost your fire power." I growls.

"If I had my fire power you would be burnt to a krisp right now." I spit out.

"Get off of her." Aiden growls shaking uncontrollably emerging from the fire.

"YOU KILLED MY BROTHER NOW I'M GOING TO KILL HER!" He yells pointing the gun right between my eyes.

He pulls the trigger and as I'm awaiting for my death Aiden shifts mid air landing on top of the male ripping him apart in front of me. After I realize I'm not dead I sit up off the ground watching the homicide happeningnin front of me.

Aiden is holding onto the guys arm and he stalks over to me. I keep my eyes on his and surprisingly he drops the arm right beside me and lays his head on my lap.

I rub his head and he lets out a nice long sigh.

You came. I say through the mindlink. He closes his eyes slowly and speaks back.

Of course I did. No one touches what's mine. Memory or not you're mine and I would gladly save you from any situation.


Danielle. He says after a long pause my eyes widen and I'm beyond excited. This means theres a way for him to get his memory back.

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