Ch. 12

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Aiden's POV
I payed for all the hats, hoodies and bottles of cologne we had bought and the price was maybe a little over 895 dollars. Honestly I thought it would be way more.

We are now heading to the food court and I notice a group of girls staring at Caden. "Yo Caden I think you got some admirers." Damien says gesturing his head towards the group of females who are probably in college or something.

Caden looks up from his phone and looks over at the girls who immediately start giggling.

"Meh..." he says shrugging. I roll my eyes and smile at him.

"I think Piper is over there in the group." I say looking at them.

His head snaps back up and we all start laughing. "Just admit you like the short little red head." Walter says pushing him.

"I don't like her idiot." Walter tilts his head to the side with a bored look and Caden groans.

"She's just a nice girl who isn't trying to fuck me because my dad and mom are king and queen of the vampires." He says but I stop paying attention because my hybrid is constantly growling.

A growl rips through my body but thank the sun god it's a quiet one. But of course the guys heard it. "What wrong A?" Walter asks turning serious.

Suddenly I feel like there's something gripping onto my wrist. I feel emotions go through my body...disgust, anger, and a small tiny hint of fear.

Mate. The word echoes through my mind.

I look over at Damien to see his eyes a glowing neon ocean blue. I walk towards the escalator and push people out of my way as I walk down.

I look over at the food court to see this....mutt grabbing my mates arm trying my to pull her into to him.

"Well you probably should. Now leave." She says pulling back.

"Stops being a dumb bitch and just get up and come with us." He says snatching her up.

A shiver goes through my body and something I've never felt makes my heart skip a beat. The blood in my vanes go black and I can feel my eyes turning red.

My body is craving for something I've never craved for.


I want to feel the satisfaction of fresh warm blood go down my throat. I want to sink my fangs into the man who dares to touch what's mine.

I want to snap his neck and make his dead lifeless body sit at the feet of my mate. I want to tear him apart.

"She. Said. To. Fucking. Leave." I growl standing behind her. I can hear the increases of heart beats from the other girls but as I listen to hers there's something different there.

She's calm but not even the steady heart beat can hide the fear leaking off of her.

She takes a deep breath and looks back at me. I ignore her gaze and I'm are at the male that still has his filthy hand on her.

"Young vampire I'd stay away if I was you." He says releasing his scent.

Rogue wolf.

I growl lowly and grab him and not even within the blink of a eye we are in the woods. He now has Dani in a headlock.

"I really thought I could go a week without you two killing someone." Walter groans sitting on top of a tree branch.

"Wait WHAT?!" Dani yells looking at me.

"Walter imma fucking rip your head off and serve it on a platter to the wolves." I growl he shrugs and grabs a apple off the tree as if he didn't just tell my mate that I've killed people on a regular basis.

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