Ch 27

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"So...this is Jaylyn's mate?" I ask eyeing the male down.

"Basically...and he's a clown. That's exactly what he is." Damien grumbles holding Gabby close to him.

"So who is this little ray sunshine?" The man asks looking at me.

"None of your business." Aiden cuts in rubbing his forehead. I can definitely feel his emotions and pain.

"Aiden are you ok?" I ask. He nods his head and I know for a fact he's lying but I decide I will push the subject later on.

"So you must be the Earth wolf?" Jaylyn asks for the first time in a while.

"Indeed I am mate." He says making a vine wrap around his hand, "and I also came because my wolf lead my here because of some war that's coming up. He informed that in able to defeat this dude all the element wolves need to come I assume you all know how to use your powers?" He asks looking at us.

"Well I have a watermelon inside of me so I can't use my powers." I shrug.

"Yea...I don't even know what powers the golden wolf have." Piper mumbles.

"I know how to use mine, but I feel like I could do more things with my powers as the wolf of the waters."  Gabby adds.

"Well we've been training with our powers for years and Aiden went through some big coma thingy teaching him how to use his but...this idiot lost his memory." Damien explains. The stranger groans throwing his head back and curses under his breath.

"Ok. We start training now, we don't have time to waste because we have no idea when this war will start." And with that his eyes glow a amber green color and his hands start to glow to. This lasts about 5 minutes before he lets out a smirk.

"Ok follow me, I'm going to show you water wolves to your training area first." He leads us to Damien's room surprisingly.

"How do you know where my room is?" Damien asks suspiciously.

"I have my ways." And with that he opens one of the book shelves up and leads us to a under ground area that none of us knew was here.

The area looks amazing there is two sitting stone in front of a large circular hole in the ground theres and there's flowers surrounding the big hole. I believe there's suppose to be a small pond right there. "Fill the hole up."

"Wait what's your name?" Gabby asks.

"Dagger, feel the hole up." He states simply.

"I've never actually target my water at something but I'll try." Gabby shrugs taking a deep breath and aiming her hands at the empty pond. The water surrounds her hands but doesn't leave her body.

"Ok so just concentrate on the water flowing around your hands and just imagine the water going into the pond, and whatever you do, do not get angered at anything...we don't need a tsunami killing everyone." Gabby closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before concentrating. Damien stands next to her and whispers something into her ear causing her to blush. "Ok," she whispers and soon water starts to levitate in the air coming from her hands and it drops into the pond. Then Damien stands next to her with ease water shooting faster from his hands.

"I didn't know you could do that," Gabby remarks raising a single eyebrow up at him.

"Meh I didn't want anyone to know." He shrugs. Soon the pond is filled up and Gabby drops her hands to the side, "Plus you aren't as skilled as me so I didn't want to seem like I was showing off my powers."

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