Ch. 21

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"Ok. So you sir. Has to kill that." Bullet says pointing at this huge Bear that has a razor sharp teeth. That's over two feet taller than me.

"Your gonna make sure I don't get killed right?" I ask nervously looking the bear up and down.

"No. I'm going to make sure I don't get killed. Have fun." He says before disappearing...again.

I try to growl but it comes out as a groan instead...damn him. "I CAN'T EVEN GROWL?!" I yell out frustrated.

The bear stands up on two legs and roars at me. I can't kill this thing on my own. I try to make my hands catch on fire but nothing happens. I groan out loud and use my sight to access weak spots.

If I get on the bears neck it can't turn around and bite me. It also looks a little injured on its left side. I have to find some type of weapon. I look around and I see a long stick. I smile as a thought pops up in my mind. I run through the forest looking for some type of vine or rope. I find one and grab it. I take the shark tooth from off the necklace around my neck and wrap the vine around it tightly. I run back to where the bear is and stand up tall challenging it.

He roars our and swipes it's paw at me and I luckily dodge it. Right before I'm about to stab it I hear the sound of a cub crying out.

I stop and dodge it's claws. I run to where the crying cub is coming from and there's a cub trapped in a bear trap. I disarm it and grab the cub. I walk to the momma bear and drop the cub six feet away from it. The bear stops roaring and runs over to the cub. I back away from it and huff out air.

"Damn I was expecting something to die. Better luck next time. I guess. And anyways you passed the test." Bullet says a little disappointed.

"You know you're a asshole." I say throwing the stick to the side before grabbing my shark tooth and tying it back onto my necklace.

Right before we can teleport to some other hazardous place I feel warmth surround me. And I feel sparks flow through my body. I look around until I see my mate laying on my chest. I smile happy that she still feels secure with me even if I'm in a coma.

"You see you need to pass all these tests for her. So don't die...Aiden I'm begging you, please don't die." Bullet says patting my shoulder with a serious look in his eyes. I roll my eyes at him with only him laughing back at me.

"Why is your hair white?" I ask randomly.

"Because chicks dig it. You should've saw the way mate was looking at me." He winks at me.

"Should've heard the way-"

"Hey I'm only eleven don't say whaat you was about to say." A little boy dressed in a some really out of date clothing says frowning at me.

"Who is he?" I ask pointing at him.

"Our dad when he first got his fangs." Bullet says looking down at the boy.

"Oh...really?" I rhetorically ask looking down at the boy.

I thump his head as hard as I can. "That's for all those times your grounded me." I says squatting, tilting my head smiling at him.

The little boy fades away and laughs. "Your dad will now have that memory you idiot." He says trying to be serious but laughing.

As we are walking to the next 'challenge' we pass by a familiar wolf pup whimpering with its tail between its legs.

I know this wolf. I think to myself.

There's a man standing in front of it with a pair of pliers. I recognize this man I think to myself. But again I can't remember...why can't I remember? It's on the tip of my head but I just can't remember.

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