Ch. 3

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I made it to the medical wing just in time because I'm pretty positive I no longer have blood flowing in my hind legs.

I let out what sounds like when Bambi was trying to growl as I try to get the doctors attention. I seriously have to stop letting Ryder talk me into watching the Bambii movies. Ever since he downloaded Disney plus that's all he watches besides all the princess movies.

The receptionist looks up and as soon as she does she springs out of her chair. "Sorry I don't know your gender but you have a bad injury."
I so badly wanted to say no shit but she's being nice.

"DOCTOR GET OVER HERE!" She yells. Right in my Freaking ear. Don't growl you need help. Don't growl. Don't growl.

A few doctors rush over here and gasp. "I just mopped this floor." A janitor whines staring at the blood motioning his hands at the floor.

I'm lifted up and I whimper at the pain. I'm placed on a stretch and the doctor checks my heartbeat. "Can you shift back?"

CaN yOu ShIft BaCk? I mock in my head.

I give him the dumbest look ever that you can give in wolf form and he says oh right. "Looks like we have to force shift you." Oh hell no.

I went through that once and it's even more painful than shifting the first time.

Instantly I roll off the stretcher and limp my way to the exit. Turns out I don't need medical attention.The little scratch isn't even that bad.

The doctors start chasing after me. They are really slow runners I mean I'm barely moving at six miles per hour. A toddler could catch up with me. "Sweetie I know it's painful but you have to cooperate." She says calmly. I growl at her and she tries to put the needle in me causing me to snap at her hand signaling her to back off I barely scratch it but she moved her hand just in time. I'd rather be in pain than go through that amount of pain.

Suddenly I'm lifted up into a pile of arms gently and I growl at the familiar scent. I snap at him not wanting any physical contact from anybody. Although I'm being held gently it also has a sort of stern feeling like I couldn't leave his arms even if I tried my hardest to, "Danielle calm down." He growls dodging my bites and ignoring my own growls.

I look at the huge blood stain on his white shirt and growl even more. Can't they just stitch me up instead and wait until it heals.

This shot is more painful than birth itself. It literally forces all over your bones and orgasm to move around without your consent whilst you try and accept it.

"Danielle. I know it's going to hurt but you have to get better, so cooperate damnit." Aiden groans as I finally land a bite on his arm. Since he's half wolf I should be able to mindlink him.

"You know if you didn't disappear I wouldn't be in this mess. I hate you. I hate you. And did I forget to mention I hate you. I think I'm forgetting something else. I despise you." I growl through the mindlink.

He ignored basically everything I said not that I had any doubt he wouldn't care and starts walking. Instead of biting and fighting my trying my hardest to get out of his arms and escape, not that I think I could but at least it's worth trying.

I'm placed back on the stretcher and immediately I try to move away while biting at random places. Aiden muzzles my mouth with his left hand and holds my front legs down with his right hand. I'm moving around violently until a stinging prick is placed in my side. All is quiet and still while a couple of doctors sigh in exhaustion, "finally." A male mumbles under his breath.

And then the shifting starts.

I howl loudly since Aiden had let go of his restraints on me and I use my front paws to try and dig the liquid out of my blood flow. I'm probably hurting myself more but I want this shifting to stop. I growl and howl in pain until my howl turns into a scream. Tears are now flowing down my eyes because my hands are still paws and my bottom half is still a wolf. When you shift into a wolf you don't just disappear and reappear as a wolf. Every part of your body has to rearrange itself except it does it so fast you barely notice it.

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