Ch. 7

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Dani POV

I wake up to Aiden rummaging through his drawers and I yawn. I notice he has a little mint bowl on his night stand so I grab one plopping it into my mouth stretching a little as well. That's one of my pet peeves. I hate the smell of morning breath.

I yawn and it catches his attention so he turns around. "Hi. Why are you up so freaking early?" I ask checking the clock to see it's like six o clock.

"We have school. And I didn't want to wake you up until I was done getting dressed." He states looking at me while putting his shirt on.

"Oh..." I climb out of bed and head to his bathroom slowly. Since I honestly don't feel like walking to my room I'll see what he has to offer.

I find a pack of unused toothbrushes so I grab one and start brushing my teeth. After I'm satisfied I walk over to his shower that he must have just got out of since it was still steamy and I mentally growl that I missed him in the shower. He peeks his head around the door with me some clothes. "Did you go through my underwear drawer?" I ask grabbing my clothes looking at my favorite pair of underwear.

"I mean yea...I don't need my mate walking around with no underwear on." I roll my eyes at him and he smirks closing the door.

I notice that along with my clothes he gave me one of his hoodies. Ok so maybe this relationship will work after all.

I quickly take my shower and once I get out I dry my hair with the towel and start getting dressed. After I'm done putting on my shirt I put on his hoodie. That probably costs more than my life.

I exit the room to find it empty and I leave to go to my room. After I enter my room I grab my phone and everything else I need. For some reason I always take my charger with me when I take my phone with me to school.

I walk down to the kitchen to see a bunch of high schoolers there. Ok what's going on? Gabby walks up to me with the same perplexed face.

"The hell is going on here?" She whispers in my ear. She looks at my outfit and smiles. "Awwwwwww..." She gushes.

"Shut up." I mumble. I look at her outfit to see Damien's hoodie and his head band on her. "Shouldn't I be the one saying aww?" I ask jokingly.

"For some reason Damien is acting weird today. Like I was going to wear my usual ripped pants and he literally said to much skin." She says pointing at her covered up legs.

"Well I didn't talk to Aiden much but he did make sure I wore the hoodie that his scent was strongest on." I shrug smelling the hoodie secretly enjoying the scent.

Suddenly Haley and Jewels walk up to us and frowns. "Why the hell are you two sluts covered in our man's scent?" Haley screeches.

Ok she did not just call my mate her man? "Ok first of al-" I was about to snap until Aiden's arm wrapped around my waist and he kisses me softly on the head in front of everyone and I see mouths drop along with a lot of whispering going on. I smile at the Haley bitch since I'm just that petty. Call me immature all you want but hey I don't really care.

"Come on. We're leaving." He states grabbing both me and his bags. Damien grabs Gabby's waist and we walk toward the garage. "Why is it so packed today?" I ask.

"Because the buses are late due to a technical issue." Damien answers. I nod my head.

Aiden looks down at my outfit and frowns. "Too tight..." He says examining my legs and ass. "Ok what's going on with you two today?" I ask swiping his hands away from my pants.

"Eh...their going through the same thing I went through." Walter says jumping off of his truck.

"Ok and that is?" Gabby asks.

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