Ch. 22

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We are all in Ace's office surrounding his desk.

"So basically your father abused you for six years before you and your mom escaped and had some weird fetish with the fire power so after he wasn't able to find you he went after my brother who just so happens to be in a coma." Damien says speaking up leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.

"This is all of my fa-" right before I can finis a knock is heard on the door.

"Go away." Ace simply says obviously annoyed at our intruder.

"I dont think I want to." A male voice says through the door with a cocky attitude.

I open the door expecting some pack member to be standing right there but instead two men and two females are standing right there.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Ace asks standing up.

"I see you have multiplied..." the scary looking man says staring at all of us.

"What happened to 'Children are just annoying versions of adults and that's mates are a waste of time and irrelevant.'" the man says quoting with his fingers. Nevaeh looks beyond pissed off and slowly turns around to glare into Ace eyes.

"You are on sex ban. And we will talk about this." She growls lowly. Ace looks like he could murder the man in front of us.

Ace looks at the female before him who is so pretty that she could make thousands of men drop to their knees in seconds.

She looks at all of us with a confused expression. I hope she isnt a bitch because I dont need to kill someone with a baby inside of me.

"What happened to females are only for sex and heirs and nothing more?" Ace replies with. The female beside the man face turns red and she gets upset clearly.

"We are sleeping in separate rooms." She growls. Her growl comes with such power that it almost makes a eerie shiver go through my body. She's powerful that's for sure.

"Who are they?" Jaylyn asks eyeing the people.

"Children, Danielle meet Tempesto ruler of Earth 2 and Landon his beta." Ace speaks up setting down his glasses that are most likely just for decoration.

"Ace this is my mate Sage- we are debating on that." She interrupts causing him to sigh.

The dude next to him finally speaks up and says, "This is my mate Zina." He says wrapping his arm securely around her waist.

The only thought that pops up in my mind is that's what Aiden would do if he was here. He would probably be making jokes and laughing but at the same time he would be examining the men for any future danger. Or we would be in our on personal bubble cuddling while looking at baby pictures or something cheesy.

"Hey how about we leave I will show you your rooms and a quick tour." I say to the women smiling softly.

The man tempesto examines me with a side eye and I examine him back just to be petty.

"Be careful love." He whispers gently into her ear.

"Mhm I'm just for sex remember...I will be careful. " She says kissing his cheek.

Don't cry.

I suck it up and we exit the office leaving the men to catch up. Jaylyn and Nevaeh tagged along with us to give the tour.

"So as you know my name is Danielle and this is Jaylyn and Queen Nevaeh." I say gesturing towards Nevaeh and Jaylyn.

"You can just call me Nevaeh though." Nevaeh says.

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