Ch. 18

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Danielle's POV (2 Days after her pregnancy)

So I've gained my weight back and my belly bump has started to grow. Apparently King Ace has decided I see a personal doctor every day to check up on the baby.

The baby is almost at a normal size it's just a little small. And since my baby has so much dominant blood in it it should be here in about another four or five months.

Meaning it's likely Aiden won't be at my side when I name him or her.

But I've decided the baby won't have a name until I give birth because I don't want to risk deciding on anything and Aiden shows up.

I take online schooling and I eat a full meal four times a day. Damien and Caden don't know about the baby yet. Well nobody knows about it yet. Other than the people I've told.

Right now me and the girls are looking at baby stuff. "Guys I told you I don't want to decide on anything until the baby is born." I say.

"But we can still look Dani." Gabby says ogling over a baby blue crib. I sigh and give in. While we're walking I look over to see the cologne store and all I can see is Aiden getting excited over buying that stupid new cologne and I feel tears grow in my eyes before I quickly wipe them away and place my hand on my belly bump. After basically looking at every baby store in the city we go eat at a restaurant.

"Why do we have this many guards again?" Piper asks poking one of the guards in the side.

"King Ace thinks it's necessary." I say shrugging.

I look around and notice everyone looking at us because of the guards standing around out booth.

"I think it's time we tell the guys they have a niece or nephew on the way including Jacelyn." Polly says placing her drink down.

"You're right. I already have Damien on my ass about everything else I do." Gabby says.

At the Palace

We walk up to the royal wing only to see the guys covered in blood.

"Damien what the hell is the meaning of this?" Gabby asks furrowing her eyebrows walking up to Damien.

"It's none of your business Gabby." He responds walking down the hall wiping blood away from his face with a white rag.

"Oh hell no." I growl.

I instantly push everyone out of my way and walk up to Damien. And do what any hormonal pregnant lady would do. Slap the hell out of him. "I fucking dare you to speak to her again like that and next time my fucking fist will be on fire when it make contact with your face." I growl at him.

Everyone's mouth is dropped including Damien's but of course I keep ranting. "I refuse to raise my child in a house where all he or she would be taught is it's ok to be a dick towards your mate when something goes wrong in their life. Matter fact there's too much toxic-ness in this house at the moment and this stress isn't good for me or my baby. Now if Aiden was here he would beat both of your asses for treating your mates this way. Caden grow some fucking balls before I stitch a pair own for you. Now if you haven't said a single word to Piper before the day is over so god help me I will reject you as a mate for her." I say pointing my finger in his chess.

"Now...girls lets go start looking for houses we may or may not have to move in if these two don't fix their flipping attitude." I say grabbing their arms and storming off in the other direction.

We head down into the kitchen and I grab the banana pudding out and put some in a bowl.

"Now that was...awesome." Polly says smiling.

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