Ch. 17

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I'm sitting on the little bed in the doctors room while my friends are gathered up around me.

"So let me get this straight. Neither Damien or Caden has acknowledged the mating bond since Ai- he was taken." They both nod their head with a sorta sad look.

"So do I burn them until they apologize or do I do this the noob way and repeatedly punch them until they decide to man the fuck up?" I ask with a dead serious look. Not trying to be that girl but when it comes to the girls I was raised with then I would gladly make a person feel like they're burning in hell's fire.

"Anyways what do you think is wrong with you?" Piper asks.

"The separation is probably too much for my wolf." I say sadly trying to contact her only to be ignored.

"Well lets see what the doctor has to say." Gabby says and right on time the doctor walks with a half hearted smile.

She comes and stands next to me. "Your majesty you should really start eating more. This is not healthy for the beautiful baby growing inside of you.  And you're severely dehydrated. And these early stages of pregnancy it's very likely to have a miscarriage." My mouth is completely dropped and at the moment I can't even fathom what the doctor said.

And the girls eyes are wide open. "Ma'am. That's not possible....I mean I haven't had intercourse in a month. And I- are you sure there's not some type of mistake." I ramble.

"Nope. You have a beautiful baby that's about a month old. The baby is pretty small so that's probably why the baby bump is so small." Almost immediately I lift up my shirt and I can't believe I haven't notice there's a human living inside of me, it's completely unnoticeable unless you look for the side but for the first time I looked in the mirror in the little bathroom in the waiting room and there it was, a small almost not seen baby bump.

"Sorry but I have another patient in the next room. You are free to leave." She says smiling warmly before leaving.

We exit the hospital in quietness before Gabby speaks up. "Looks like imma be a godmother." She says smiling.

I look down at my stomach and I push away the sadness. I need to be the best mother possible for this unborn child. And me being depressed and sad is not going to cut it. Aiden would want me to be the best mother possible and that's what I'm going to be.

"Ok. First thing first. We need to fatten you up." Polly says patting my stomach.

"Isn't that corona virus going around for the humans? Pretty sure everything is closed." Piper points out.

"Sis. Not all food has to be fast food. Plus this baby needs to get bigger. We need to tell the queen and king that they have a grandchild on the way first. Dani needs extra protection because if that man finds out she has a baby on the way he will probably be after her." Gabby says.

I nod my head and we head to the palace. We head to the royal floor and on the way there we pass by Damien and Caden.

Of course me being me I have to say something. "Gabby isn't that your lovely mate?" I ask innocently.

"No. My mate is a nice and a genuine person. And he would never let his mate feel unloved." Gabby answers back with a shrug.

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