Ch. 11

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Ok guys there was a intimate scene that I deleted in the previous chapter, but basically danielle and Aiden did have a little intimacy but they didn't have sex.

Aiden's POV

I wake up to see my beautiful mate asleep on my chest. I can still smell our strong arousal in the room and my eyes darken at the thought of last night. I notice that her shirt is missing. I don't remember ripping her shirt off.

I do. My wolf says acting cocky.

I get up and take a shower afterwards do my morning routine. I look in the bedroom to see her still sleep so I go ahead and get dressed for today. I kiss her forehead and walk down stairs only to see every boy downstairs smirking at me.

"What the hell happened to cause you all to act so weird?" I ask opening the fridge.

"So...How was it?" Walter asks smiling.

"What?" I ask.

"How was your night you sly dog?" My friend Kaden asks rubbing his hands together. I stop in my tracks and turn around.

"You smelt that?" I ask rubbing my neck.

"Smelt that? Hell man we heard that." Damien says laughing.

I roll my eyes and then I hear Dani coming down the stairs. I instantly turn around and growl at the boys behind me. "You say a single fucking word and I will drown you." I growl.

They all put their hands up in surrender smiling. When she reaches downstairs. I notice she has on my clothes.

I look at her neck and I see several hickeys surrounding the area and I smile feeling proud while she eyes is suspiciously

She looks around to see the guys staring at her and she looks at me.

"Idiots." She mumble. Opening the fridge grabbing a Gatorade.

"Hi Danielle." Walter says making me glare at him. I know what he's up to.

He always has been the daredevil one.

"Hi." Dani says waving awkwardly.

"So how have you been?" He asks smiling.

"Ok so what's up." Dani says laying her drink.

"I just wanna is Aiden's game?" I grab a plastic bowl and throw it at him.

I expect Danielle to get shy and blush but she does the opposite.

"I mean my legs wouldn't be sore right now if he didn't have good game." She says winking and I feel my face go red while I hide my laugh at Walter's face.

I grab her waist and pull her into my chest. "So Damien have you and Gabby did anything yet?" Walter asks.

"None of your business." Damien growls.

"Oh so you have..." Caden says raising his eyebrows up and down.

"Caden. Just because you're my younger brother does not mean I won't give you a black eye." Damien says glaring at Caden.

"As if you could." Caden says rolling his eyes.

"Plus everyone hears Gabby's moans every single night." Caden says playing with the Apple. Before Damien can lunge at Caden Caden whispers a foreign language and when you look with wolf sight you can see two teenage male ghost hold Damien back laughing.

But when you don't look with wolf sight you can't see anything. And no body in the room knows that other than, me and Damien knows to use our wolf sight when Caden uses his powers.

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