ch. 28

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Guys I am truly sorry about the long wait. But i was on a week long vacation and my phone was broke and my laptop was acting up AND ON TOP OF ALL THAT I WAS LOCKED OUT OF MY ACCOUNT! So anyways here's y'all update I am beyond stressed 😔.


Ever since Aiden went into his memory coma everyone had been practicing hard on their powers and I've big as a whale. I spend most of my time in the baby's room where Aiden still kneels bonding with our baby and ensuring nothing went wrong with Aiden, after he was taken away the first time someone of higher rank was always in the room with him.

He's still in the exact same position he was in a week ago and is still very much unconscious. Caden and Piper has mated and marked each other without the mating ceremony because Caden said he didn't want the whole coven to know when they finally did their business. And he believed relationships get toxic when everyone knows what's going on in it.

Damien and Gabby have marked each other and their are basically mastering the whole water bending thing. And Dagger and Jaylyn...has gotten very close. They play cat and mouse a lot.

And I mean a lot.

Dagger doesn't want to be apart of a coven but Jaylyn doesn't want to leave her coven so they have no idea what they are going to do when the war is over.

My father hasn't made any shots yet and I am beyond grateful for that, also my mother still doesn't know about the fact my father is planning his attack. I'm pretty sure she knows something is wrong because she isn't stupid, just not what.

I started back reading the book of the legends to get to know some of my powers or any hidden powers I may have. And apparently while pregnant I can still make enough body heat to melt the skin off of another. Oh and something about the fact my baby will protect me even inside the wound, and I can't help but love my little knight before I even lay eyes on him. He's already protecting me and I haven't even met him yet.

"It's the bad hair line for me." Piper says out of no where pulling me out of my thoughts.

"It's the no tits for me." Caden responds back. How long have they been going at this?

"It's the shyness for me." Piper pokes his nose causing him to let out a annoyed huff.

"I thought you liked me being shy?" He asks in a baby voice laying his head on her chest.

"I thought you liked my A cups." Piper responds with an amused smile on her face.

I must be the best third wheel of the year.
"Of course I do they're adorable." Caden responds.

Yup...I'm leaving now.

" while Caden rearranges your guts I'm going to go feed me and this baby."

"But you just ate like a whole five star meal..." Piper points out with a amused look.

"Your point is?" I ask raising a eyebrow she chuckles while running her fingers through Caden's hair and I exit the room wobbling towards the kitchen.

"FEED ME PEASANT!" I yell at Ryder who is shoving grapes into his mouth.

"NO!" He yells back.



I pout and he returns the look. "Fine. I'll make my delicious waffles by myself." I shrug smirking as I turn around.

"Would you like a cup of orange juice with that?" He asks finding some random junk food shoving it in my face.

"Nah...chocolate milk." I respond smiling.

He returns with a glass of chocolate milk and places it in front of me leaning against the opposite side of the island staring at me but I can tell he's lost in thought.

"What's on your mind?" I ask opening the little apple sauce containers.

"Nothing..." he responds playing with his bag of grapes. I roll my eyes and snatch the bag away.

"Ok let's try this again...what's wrong my little firefly?" I ask giving him the look showing he better not lie.

"It's just that now that I recently found out my new sexuality...pansexual...what if my mate is a boy but he doesn't swing this way ya know. Or like the fact I'm all alone. What if I never find my mate?" He finally lets out look down at the counter fidgeting with his fingers.

"Firstly he or whatever your mate will be would be stupid to not love you at first sight and secondly when the time is right you will meet your mate." I respond reaching out grabbing his soft hand.

Ryder is a beautiful male. He has soft curly brown hair that sometimes hang down in his eyes, he has a face full of soft brown freckles, his eyes are a beautiful green color, and he has glasses that he rarely wears but even when he wears then they make him even more attractive. He's only like two inches taller than me so I still look up to him but only slightly.

" this the part where we kiss?" He asks doing the kissy lips.

"And you ruined it by the way I lied you're hideous." I joked.

He punches my arm softly hand pushes his self off the island and hugs me. "Thank you so much. You deserve the world Dani." He whispers. Ryder hasn't had the easiest life he's been bullied before without telling us about his feminine ways and as soon as he let us know Jackson left the male in a hospital. He's been rejected by his family for coming out and the only person in his family who supported him passed away aka his grandmother. And he's been molested as a child by his great uncle. Ryder is a natural joker. He uses dark humor to push away the pains that has happened to him. He joked around with me by "flirting" because he used to think if he flirted with a female maybe he would stop having feelings for other genders. He wanted so bad to be a straight masculine male because he was tired of the pain. He was tired of being rejected by people.

He didn't let us know for a while he was bi because of those reasons and when we accepted him he broke down crying he honestly believed we would leave him.

"You're the one that deserves the world Ryry." I respond smiling hugging him tighter. "And anyone who thinks other wise can choke on my croissant that I shoved down their throat."

"...You scare me sometimes D." He whispers.

"Now I gotta go. I have to get back to pack training. Love you mamas." He jogs away and blows a kiss at me before exiting. Me and Ryder both know he doesn't mean to be a big flirt and a lot of people used to think we liked each other but both of us knew we was just really close friends.

I grab my Honeybuns and Chocolate milk and head to my mate. Where I usually go.

Aiden I will make my father pay. Best and believe that.

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