Ch. 15

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Aiden POV ( a week after he was taken.)

I've been in this basement for a week now. Getting whipped everyday, being starved, I'm probably severely dehydrated, and over twenty females have came to try and seduce me.

I'm chained up like a trophy on display.

This man has been trying to get me to let out my fire power and he's been trying to shift me into my so called Phoenix. If he knew that I don't even have a Phoenix he would've let me go the second day I was here.

"Can't you fucking pick one of my daughters already." He hisses at me.

"I already told you. I don't fucking want one of your daughters." I growl back at him keeping my head pointed at the concrete floor under me.

"Bring in Kelcie." He barks at the guard ignoring my protest.

A young female walks in who looks around the age of fifteen or sixteen. But by the look in her eyes. She probably doesn't act fifteen or sixteen.

"He's cute." She purrs. Lord if you kill me now I swear I won't protest.

"We will give you two some privacy." He says exiting the room along with the three guards.

"This is the part where I tell you I have a mate and you can waste your time flirting with me and I wouldn't even think about giving you my heir." I say looking down at her.

"I could give you a good time." She says trailing her finger down my chest towards my manhood.

"If your hand goes any further I will make a exception against the rule no hitting females." I growl looking at her hand.

She giggles and purrs at me. "Has anyone ever told you your sexy when your mad."

" mate." I say glaring at her.

"Stop thinking about her and think about how much pleasure I could give you." She says trailing her finger lower. I yank the chains and they actually move a little.

She jumps and backs away. Soon the two men walk in and with a taser they electrocute me.

I groan as the pain intensified and finally darkness catches up with me while they continuously stab me with a electrical rod.

Gabrielle's POV

Ever since Aiden was taken Danielle hasn't left his room. We would knock on the door, King Ace even tried to force her to eat. A lot has changed. The castle house is no longer lively with children running down the halls and the high schoolers no longer have their usual hang out section in the game room or man cave.

Me and Damien's relationship has start to go down the gutter because he pushes everyone away. I tried to hug him and he growled at me. Sometimes I wonder if this is how it's always going to be if Aiden doesn't return.

Right now I'm sitting in me and Damien's room and he's taking a shower as I sit on the bed watching TV. When he exits the room he gets dressed in a leather jacket and a pair of ripped jeans. "Where are you going?" I ask watching him get dressed.

"To look for my brother." He says quietly.

"How long are you going to be gone?" I ask already knowing I won't see him again for another eight hours or so.

"Gabby-" I cut him off getting up.

"Damien you can't keep just expecting me to be ok with you leaving for hours a day. We live in the same house and in the same room yet I barely see you and when I do you act like I don't exist." I say sitting up.

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