Ch. 19

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Danielle's POV (right before Aiden comes to save the day.)

He's now naked on top of me and tears are streaming down my face. "Aiden is going to kill you and I will gladly watch him do it." I sob out.

He starts laughing and shows me a knife with the smell of Aiden's blood. "I killed him sweetheart. And I did so to where he begged me to end him fast." He laughs out placing the knife back in his pocket. Fear sweeps into me and I now start trying to fight him before he presses the knife back on my belly and I go motionless again.

He rips my jeans off of me leaving a scar on my thigh and I start crying again. He places hisself at my entrance but before he could continue. I And then in one quick motion the guy is off of me and is now pressed against the nearby tree.

I smell again and I refuse to get my hopes up. 'No...Aiden is dead. You don't smell him. You smell his blood on that stupid knife.' I keep telling myself. I look over to the figure on fire and wonder is there another fire wolf around.

"Cousin.....I thought you was dead..." Joshua says nervously. I look for anything to put over my legs and I don't find anything. I cry like crazy because I'm emotional I was almost raped and for some reason my stupid brain keeps trying to put my dead mate in my mind.

"I COULD HAVE HAD EVER-" before the lunatic could finish blood is all you see.

The figure on fire turn towards me and I see him. The man I love so much is covered in what looks like war scars. He's enveloped with a Phoenix on fire covering his body. I look around us and notice everything is on fire.

" I'm dreaming. STOP PLAYING WITH MY FEELINGS!" I yell scooting away from him. He ignores me and walks towards me scooping me up into his arms.

"You was gone. He told me you was dead." I sob into his chest.

"I'm not Aiden."

"Then who are you? And why is there a Phoenix covering your body? An-" he cuts me off with a dominating kiss. He kisses me like at any second I will be taken away from him. I place my hand on his chest and kiss him back letting him have his way with me. The sparks I've yearned for, for a whole month explodes all over my body and he enveloped us both with his scent.

"I'm a dad..." he says smiling down at my baby bump. I smile at him happy that he wants our kid. He kisses me again with even more passion and gently placed his once soft hand and now rough over my belly.

We make love to one another in the bare woods on the forest floor. The flames around him die out and his eyes are no longer a beautiful glowing red. My Aiden is truly back.

"Fuck I love you." He says before changing our position to where he's on top of me. He kisses me gently on my forehead reassuring me with his presence.

"I love you more." I say laying my head on his.

"Not even close to possible." He mutters to me. I look around us and I smell a faint scent.

"Was a female...with you?" I ask looking around.

"Shit.....I forgot about her." He curses. He stands up and grabs his pants.

"Now how has the coven been?" He asks picking me up.

"Um....let's let you see that for yourself." I say cringing slightly.

He tilts his head and I just smile happy to see him.

He looks at my mark and smiles kissing it. "Mine." He purrs into my neck. And I felt extreme emotions wave over my body at the small action, the mark that had once dulled out was now shining bright and proud with Aiden's beautiful mark.

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