Ch. 5

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Ok guys so I know a lot of y'all are going to be saying why the moving on so fast. This is not like over romance stories. This story is not focused on some romance drama. They are going to move on like normal mates even with their hatred in the past. But that does not mean they won't face drama TOGETHER though because Aiden still doesn't know that Danielle is not a regular wolf.

Right before we start the game my door bursts open.

"How dare you?!" Princess Jaylyn says bursting in.

"Um sorry princess but we are in the middle of the game so if you don't mind..." Ryder say pointing to the door, while a sarcastic smile is in his face, Next thing you know Caden walks in and Ryder's mood changes. "Never mind stay as long as you want." He says making room next to him patting the spot aggressively.

"Are you flirting with my younger brother?" Aiden asks with a raised eyebrow. "Uh...duh. Sorry but he's the only hot one out of you four." Ryder says leaning back on his hands.

"Anyways how dare you not tell us you two found your mate AND you decided to have fun with out us." Jaylyn says clapping her hands. "Say what?" Jackson says looking at Aiden and Damien.

Everyone goes quiet and Piper starts jumping up and down. "NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY!" She squeals we all close our with darted eyes. "Guys I haven't found my mate." I lie. Aiden snaps his head to me and frowns, but not in a cute adorable way...well sort of but more in a 'I know you did not just lie' way.

"Yes you have." He says squinting his eyebrows at me.

I cross my arms and growl to myself. "stupidmate." I mumble under my breath. No I am the fire wolf. I make the rules.

"Girl stop lying. His dominance is sexy and you know it." Jasiri remarks. I roll my eyes at her and close the link. I can see the images she throws in my head and firstly I'm surprised at how dirty minded she is and secondly I finally just block her out completely.

But not before the damage was done. I'm aroused. Fucking Jasiri. I'm getting you for this. Before the smell could even spread I was yanked up and onto Aiden's lap. And he pushed his scent on me masking out the aroused scent with his own scent, I'm kind of appreciative my friends didn't smell my arousal but then again I'm sitting in Aiden Javari Talion's lap.

"We would never ." I say crossing my arms hiding the blush on me subconsciously sinking lower into Aiden. "Yes we will one day." Aiden whispers so low in my ear I'm sure no one else heard him. I look up to see Caden with my skates in his hands. "Thank you," I say immediately standing up hugging him hearing Aiden's annoyed huff in the background.

He's frozen but hugs me back. I release him and grab my skates taking them to their box in my closet. When I returned Gabby already had the game cards out. Except they're truth or dare cards.

The flipping dirty version.

"Well guess what? Now that there is more of us. We can play truth or dare. Yay." Polly says smiling. Instant regret is in my mind of letting Aiden and Damien tag along.

"Who ever denies to do the dare or truth takes a shot." Gabby says separating the cards into two stacks.

I go to take my seat to see Caden sitting right there. I gulp and look at Aiden sitting cross cross apple sauce and I woman up and retake my seat on him feeling him smirking down at me with my back turned to him, I'm very well aware my friends won't make this game easy on me after finding out they've been right for years now about Aiden being my mate so without doubt me sitting on his lap won't be the worst thing to happen tonight. "Ok. So who ever is on the right of Gabrielle starts first." Jackson says.

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