Ch. 1

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Danielle POV

"WAKE UPPPP!" A voice screeches.

I open one eye to see my personal demon smiling. "What time is it?" I ask shutting my eyes again turning over on my side placing my pillow over my head.

"Time for you to get ready for school." She says looking at her invisible watch.

" it's irrelevant." I mumble with my eyes still closed.

"Come on. It's the first day of school. Plus I stole a outfit out of your closet." She says smiling. I yawn and stretch knowing I won't be able to get back to sleep. I drag myself to the bathroom and brush my teeth, doing my usual morning routine and putting on a regular plain outfit that consisted of a jeans a shirt and a pair of shoes...I stopped dressing up for the first day of school Sophomore year.

My name is Danielle Quints and the girl in my room at the moment that dared to disrupt my sleep is Gabrielle Chester. My best friend since she moved to this school during freshmen year. I'm Blasian, Black and Asian. But I look more like my mom than my dad, only getting my eye shape from my dad.

I have hazel eyes, with long thick curly hair. So no I can't run my fingers through my hair unless it's combed out. I'm a medium height at 5'5. I have another close friend called Polly. I'm also a werewolf hybrid living in a vampire coven. My dad is a vampire although I don't have many vampires traits. It's not rare to find werewolves in vampire covens anymore since the queen of vampire has been a werewolf, so now vampires and werewolves don't hide their love for each other which created a entire generation almost of hybrids, Gabrielle is half vampire as well.

I'm not immortal and I don't have super-speed, nor can I shift into werecat. I'm really happy about this to be honest because I don't really have the closest relationship with my dad...who's a vampire. The only trait I have from being a vampire is my canines are slightly sharper and thinner than those of a werewolf and I'm more agile than a regular werewolf. But other than that I'm not really all that important...other than have flames I can't control as a power.

I walk out my closet dressed in pretty plain clothing and I see Gabby eating my bag of chips that I have preserved for myself on my nightstand. "You know what they're stale anyways." I says frowning at the food thief, "Still good," she says taking a chip and biting it dramatically.

"Come on some how prince Aiden always finds a way to leave at the same time we do." She says opening the door. I roll my eyes and follow behind her just thinking about that idiot. I hate the fact that he's in the same grade as me.

"Don't remind me about that prick." I growl with a scowl.

"You're lucky. He doesn't even acknowledge the rest of us plus everybody except you knows he likes you, kinda funny if you ask me. You're literally the only female outside of his sisters that he acknowledges." She says winking at me with a know it all smirk. I roll my eyes again and try to push the thought of him out of my mind, she's wrong the guy hates me. She has it in her mind that he likes me.

"Him trying to ruin my highschool life is not acknowledging me and it's not luck." I scoff. I'm usually not such a bitter person but when it comes to him.....ugh just ugh.

"Plus. Everyone knows you like Prince Damien." She rolls her eyes and now we are both scowling, yeah two can play at this game, fun fact she hates the guy, she hates him so much to the pointing a blood vessel once popped by her eye and her eye was red for weeks. "I don't mention Aiden. You don't mention Damien. Capeesh?" I laugh and nod my heading in a agreement.

But all too soon we run into the famous trio.

"Oh look. There's lady in distress Danielle, do you need me to help you to the bus?." Aiden says taking a sip of his Gatorade, laughing tauntingly at me.

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