meeting room

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Niall looks out the window of his car at the tall building in front of him. It's been so long since the last time he was there, he was nervous to say the least. He slowly steps out of the car and makes his way inside, he plasters on a smile as he passed people who greeted him and welcomed him back. He would've never thought he'd be back here, not that he didn't want to, but he didn't think the others wanted to.


His head snaps to the familiar voice, the smile on his face growing as he sees his mate standing there with his arms wide open. He walks over to him and hugs him tightly, he missed him. "Louis, hi." He pulls away to look at him properly.

"Quite shocked that we're here to be honest." Louis chuckles softly. "But it's good to see you all."

"Are the others here?" He asks a bit nervous that he was the last one to get there. He hated being the late one.

"Yeah, but don't worry Liam got here a few minutes ago." He wets his lips. "Do you know why we're here? I mean we all signed the contract, what more do they want?"

"I'm not sure, I'm as confused as you." Niall says, he was surprised to get an email from modest asking him to meet the others at the office so they could talk over something important.

"Oi! You two need to come inside." Liam pops his head out smiling over at Niall. "You good?" He asks him.

"Yeah just fine." He lets Louis lead the way, he keeps his head low as they walk in, George was quick to pull him in for a tight hug catching him off guard.

"Niall! Missed you buddy." The older man pats his back before letting him go. "Sit, please."

Niall nods noticing the only empty seat was next to Harry. He clears his throat and slowly saunters over where the chair was. "Hey, H." He mumbles softly.

"Hello there, old friend." Harry smiles widely.

"You two can catch up later, the reason why I had you come in was that we have a slight change in plans." George looks between them all.

"Like what?" Liam frowns.

"Well, we received an email and it seems like Zayn wants to be part of the reunion." He says slowly, knowing this could stir up an argument.

"Hang on, are you joking?" Louis narrows his eyes at the man sitting in front of him. "Please tell me that you're joking."

"I'm not, Zayn wants to join the band for this last goodbye tour—"

"Hell no." The Doncaster lad shakes his head. "He left, he can't come back."

"We all left." Liam looks over to Louis who shot him a glare. "He's part of this too and if he wants to come back then let him come back."

"He quit the band, we didn't. There's a difference, Liam." Harry speaks up.

"He quit because of his mental health, shit, if we would've kept going I'm sure I would've too." He crosses his arms against his chest.

"It's not even about that, it's the way he acted afterwards." Harry runs his hand through his hair, truth was, he wasn't too sure about the reunion at first but once he was explained the reason behind it he agreed to it. It was for the fans. It was like a thank you and a proper goodbye, it's what they deserved.

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