we're both idiots

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"So is Niall here with you?" The woman with bright red lipstick asks him.

"Yeah, yeah he is." Harry smiles widely. "He has joined me on the road and I've been loving it."

"I'm sure you have," She giggles. "The whole world, including myself, have been enjoying the photos and videos of you two just being yourselves. I know you two keep a lot in private which is understandable but when you do post something it melts all of our hearts and makes us feel special." She reaches over to pat his arm. "You make a lovely couple."

"Thank you." He keeps the smile on his face. "Niall is very lovely, so it's all him."

"I reckon Niall would argue with that, you're both very lovely." She laughs at Harry's giggle. "So tell us, any new projects you'd like to share with us?"

"Eh, no... well, actually no." Harry laughs loudly. "I mean I could tell you but I can't. But I could, I'm not though."

"You're so silly!" The interviewer shakes her head fondly. "But that's you admitting there is something you're working on but can't talk about right?"

"Not no." He beams at her confused yet amused expression. He loved messing with the interviewers, it made something that can be very repetitive, fun.

"Okay! Well, we're excited for what you have in store for us. I'm sure we'll hear something soon, thank you for being here, love."

"Thank you for having me." Harry smiles at the camera and once it was off he stands up and gives her a quick hug. "You were lovely."

"Hope to see you soon and please say hi to Niall." She waves him goodbye with a smile.

Harry let's the man remove the mic on him before he walks out to meet Jeff in the green room. "Where's Niall?" He asks when he doesn't see his boyfriend.

"His knee was bothering him and he couldn't get comfortable so I called a car for him, he's at the hotel." Jeff explains. "You've got one more interview, it's a radio one—"

"No, I need to go check on Ni." Harry starts to quickly pack his stuff but a hand on his arm stops him.

"You have to go to that interview, Haz." He sighs knowing Harry too well. "Listen, Niall is fine. This interview will only last thirty minutes."

"Can't I just call in? I don't have to be there, I'm sure they'll understand." He needed to see Niall, he needed to be there with him.

"Okay," Jeff rubs his temples. "Fine, I'll explain to them what happened."

"Thank you mate." Harry shoots him a smile, he gathers his things and rushes out of there and into the car waiting for him. He tries calling Niall but his calls were forwarded to voicemail, he became worried and asked the driver if he could go a wee bit faster. Once in front of the hotel he slides out of the car and runs inside waving and throwing the peace sign at the fans outside yelling his name. As soon as he steps into his hotel room, he looks around frantically for his boyfriend.

"Haz? What are you doing here?" Niall looks up at Harry worriedly.

"Baby," Harry frowns when he sees Niall icing his knee on the bed. "What happened?"

"Oh, yeah, I think the run I went on yesterday fucked me up. Me knee is being a bit of a pain in the arse." He watches him climb into bed and lay next to him cuddling him. "Pet, you've got an interview in... ten minutes!" He says when he sees the time.

"Yeah it's on the phone." He murmurs pressing kisses on Niall's shoulder and neck. "Made Jeff change it, got really worried about you."

"H, you didn't have to do that. I'm fine." Niall pats Harry's head letting his fingers tangle with Harry's soft curls.

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