goodnight, nialler

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Niall walked off stage with his head hung low, it was the last concert of the year and now they all get to go home to celebrate Christmas and New Years. Thing was, Harry was going home with him and he wasn't too keen on that. They haven't had a proper chat in a while because either Niall was with Zayn or the other two and Harry seemed to be isolating himself in the bus, which worried everyone but it seemed that the curly haired lad had a thing with the Florida girl and just wanted some alone time.

"This is it lads, won't be seeing each other until next year." Louis pulls them all in for a hug.

"I'll miss you lot." Liam smiles at them. "You two try not to punch each other." He teases Niall and Harry.

"Fuck off." Niall chuckles pushing them away and starts packing his personal items, he looks around the fitting room to see if he missed anything, when he sees he didn't he zips up his duffel bag. He was ready to head straight to the airport. He made sure to book a flight that Harry wasn't in, he needed some time to prepare for whatever is to come.

"Ni?" Zayn hugs him from behind. "I'm going to miss you a lot." He mumbles against his shoulder.

"I'll miss you too." He sighs, he's noticed how Zayn has become a lot more affectionate towards him. It was a bit odd at first but he was starting to get used to it. It felt nice.

"Be careful, yeah?" He presses a light kiss on the side of his neck letting his lips linger there for a while longer.

"I will." He breathes out, staring at Harry looking away when Harry's stare becomes too intense. "You too, don't smoke too much." He turns around to give him a serious look.

"It's going to be harder now that I won't have you to distract me." Zayn bites on his lower lip, he's been wanting to quit smoking for a while now but he's never really put an effort until now. Thanks to Niall.

"You can always call me." Niall raises his eyebrows. "I believe in you, Zee. I know you can quit without me being there. You're stronger than you think." He smiles up at him.


"Niall? Your ride is here." Liam glances over at Niall and Zayn.

"See ya boys." Niall rushes out, excited to see his family and friends.


"They're here!" Maura squeals excitedly. "Go open the door and help them!" She pushes Greg and Bobby towards the door.

"Okay, calm down." Bobby chuckles as he walked over and opened the door. He opens his arms as soon as he sees Anne and Gemma walking over to him. "How are ya?"

"Bobby!" Gemma gives him a quick hug.

"We're great, happy to see you again." Anne laughs hugging him as well.

"Here, I'll take this one." Greg took a suitcase away from Harry's hold.

"Thanks," Harry smiles, he loves the Horans but he wished he wasn't forced to spend the holidays with them, he felt awful for lying to them. He quickly pays the driver and starts following Greg inside.

"My favorite English boy is here!" Bobby chuckles pulling Harry for a tight hug. "I'm so glad you decided to spend Christmas and New Years with us, we missed you so much."

"I missed you all as well." He hugs him back.

"Oh Harry! How are you darling?" Maura's smile widens.

"I'm great, thanks." He hugs the short woman. "You, love?"

"I'm alright, hun. Go upstairs, Niall is in his bedroom." She gives him a small push towards the stairs. "He's on the phone with Zayn but I'm sure he won't mind if you go up there."

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