guess who's backkk ??

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"Take a break boys." George says as he walks into the room where they were rehearsing, he noticed how stressed they all looked.

"Why are we having such a hard time?" Louis asks frustrated with himself and everyone else.

"Our voices have changed, it's not the same." Harry sits on the floor with a cup of lemon tea in one hand.

"We only have five days until the brits, we're fucked." He sits besides him. "We should've never agreed to it." He shoots George a glare.

"You only need to focus, that's all. I've noticed that all of you are distracted, which is making it harder for all of you. So here I am to tell you to put all your problems aside for now, focus on what's important right now." The older man says. "I wouldn't have brought the brits up if I didn't believe in you, I know you can do it. Make your fans proud."

"We're tired," Zayn mumbles. "We've been here since the morning, it's half past eight!" 

"You're right, you're all free to go." George smiles. "I'll see you tomorrow morning." He says before walking away.

"I reckon we go out to eat." Liam looks at all of them.

"Mate, I'm not in the mood to be out and about." Louis says apologetically.

"My house, we can order in." He wanted to spend time with them, he wanted them to get close like they used to be.

"Okay, sure." Zayn slides his phone out of his back pocket.

"What about you?" Liam asks the other three.

"Alright." Louis stands up dusting his jeans and going over to Liam. "Come on lovers." He smirks at Niall and Harry.

Niall blushes, he hasn't really spoken to Harry since they talked on the airplane. He's been glancing over to him but Harry never looked back, it kinda hurt him. Why won't he look at him? I sound so childish. He doesn't realize he had spaced out not until he feels an arm wrap around his waist making him jump. He snaps out of it and sees Zayn smiling down at him. Oh god.

"Come on." Zayn pulls him towards the exit where Louis and Liam has gone through.

"Okay." He sighs, he wasn't too keen on going but he couldn't really say no. He looks over his shoulder and sees Harry behind them with his head hung low, he looked tired.

"There's two cars waiting for us." Zayn says once they step out of the building."Who do you wanna ride with?"

"I don't really care." Niall says, seeing that Liam and Louis has gone into one already.

"Yeah me neither." He chuckles.

"You three go on the other one." Louis says already knowing Harry and Niall were going to be together no matter what.

Harry didn't have the energy to tell them he'd rather take his own car, he steps into the cab and sits down putting his head down. He feels someone sit next to him but he doesn't bother on looking, he was exhausted. He wasn't sure if it was because of the long day or because he was catching a cold, either way he felt like utter shit. I need a good sleep. He shuts his eyes, wanting to rest them, when he feels a small nudge on his knee and he immediately knew who it was. Niall.

"You don't look too well." Niall frowns.

"Why thank you," Harry says in a sarcastic tone.

"He's right, you don't. Looks like you haven't slept well." Zayn isn't shocked Louis has been given him the cold shoulder, he doesn't blame him,  but what he never expected was for Harry to be cold towards him as well. It was quite surprising.

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