face masks and yoga

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"Haz?" Niall tugs on Harry's hair to get him to look at him but it only makes him moan loudly. "You're ridiculous." He smiles down at him.

"I'm so bored," Harry groans against Niall's thigh. "Let's go explore the city." He says knowing fully well that wasn't possible.

"We can't, H." He sighs. "We've got sound check in ten minutes." He starts to squirm under Harry when he feels his mouth press against his crotch, leaving wet patches on his grey joggers.

"I love you so much, hope you know you're the prettiest. Always so lovely." He smiles cheekily.

"I love you as well." Niall tries to move him away from his crotch.

"Hm? Oh... yeah love you too." Harry laughs loudly when he sees Niall roll his eyes at him.

"Stop talking to my cock, ya weirdo." He flicks his forehead. "Now move, gotta drink water."

"Noo!" He pins him down so he wouldn't be able to move. "You're my teddy bear."

"And you're heavy, move." Niall huffs when Harry doesn't move. "Vince is going to find us like this and you're going to have to explain to him why we're in this position in his bunk."

"Doubt he cares." Harry buries his face in Niall's stomach. "Besides, he's leaving tonight so it doesn't really matter."

"We have to head into the stadium, Haz." He squirms when Harry starts tracing his clothed cock with his fingertip. "Oh fuck." He moans as his boyfriend lightly mouthed him through the soft fabric of his joggers.


"What the hell are you doing in my bunk?" Vince looks between them, he shakes his head and reaches over to pull Harry off of Niall. "I know you're happy I'm leaving but at least wait for me to leave the bus."

"You know you'll be missed, love." Harry presses a kiss to his cheek. "But I'm excited to have the bus alone just the two of us, no worrying about some idiot hearing us."

"Oi! I gave both of you plenty of alone time." He scoffs. "Anyway, Liam sent me to get the both of you."

"Fucking hell, we're always running late. And this time we weren't even doing anything—"

"He had his face buried in your crotch." Vince points out. "And from the looks of it he was doing more than just resting."

"Go tell the boys we'll be there in a few minutes." Harry pushes his friend away.

"You're coming with me curly, I know how you are." He clicks his tongue and drags Harry out of the bus. "What's wrong, love?"

"What?" He frowns looking back at the bus with a pout.

"I know you, Haz. I know something is bothering you." Vince sighs. "You've been quite clingy to Niall, haven't you?"

"I love him." Harry keeps his eyes glued to the bus. "We've only got a few more shows and then it'll be over, One Direction will be over. There will be no tour, no interviews, no us. Vince, we'll be going back to our lives. I'll be in LA while the others go wherever they always go. I— what if... I don't want to lose Niall."

"Harry, have you talked to Niall about this?" He pulls him close.

"No, don't want to think about it." He rests his head on his shoulder. "Vince, I can't handle not having him with me. I don't want want to be away from him."

"I don't think Niall wants to be away from you either." He chuckles softly. "He loves you too much."

"Think he's tired of me clinging onto him." Harry whimpers. "Just don't want to let him go."

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