don't fuck it up

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"Isn't it crazy how as soon as we got together everyone is inviting us to different parties and events? How come they didn't do the same when we were solo?" Louis scoffs. "Fuckers."

"You can't blame them, they want all attention on them and since we are trending at the moment they want us." Harry looks out the window of the hotel room.

"They're using us, doesn't that piss you off?" He cocks his brow.

"It's annoying but I'm not going to be an arsehole over it." He turns his gaze to Niall and Zayn, they've talking for the longest time and he wanted to know about what.

"I'm not being an arsehole." Louis rolls his eyes. "I have a feeling something is gonna go down tonight."

"As long as we stick together and behave we should be fine." Liam wasn't sure what Louis meant by something is gonna go down but he could see the worry in his eyes and all he wanted was to assure him everything was going to be okay.

"That's it." Harry stands up abruptly making Liam and Louis look at him confused. "I have to go get something from my room, I'll be back." He says not being able to sit there any longer hearing Niall giggling at whatever the hell Zayn kept telling him.

"You sound angry, mate." Liam chuckles nervously. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He breathes out. "I'll be back, yeah?"

"I'll go with you." Louis stands up. "I need to grab my pack of cigarettes."

Harry nods and walks out of the room, he expected Louis to cuss out about this event again but he doesn't and instead he starts laughing. "Why are you laughing?" He gives him a weird look.

"It's funny, you know?" Louis pats his back.

"What is?" He furrows his brows, he didn't find anything funny.

"You, Niall, and Zayn." He chuckles again, he grabs him by the shoulders and pushes him towards his room. He quickly unlocks his door and motions for Harry to follow him out on the balcony, he lights his cigarette on and takes a drag before slowly blowing the smoke out.

"What about us?" Harry asks not really liking how he was going to smell like smoke now.

"It's a bloody love triangle." Louis looks over at the city. "Not gonna end well, by the way."

"Love triangle?" He asks confused.

"Don't act stupid." He shoots him a look. "You and Niall are fucking around, quite obvious if you ask me. And Niall and Zayn have this thing going on as well, mate, it's a mess."

"That's... no.." Harry didn't know what to say, what could he say anyway? Louis was right.

"Niall is a great lad, sometimes too great for his own damn good." He leans his hip on the railing.  "I get that you and Niall had a thing back then but from what I understand you two didn't work out, right?"

"Yeah." He looks away.

"I also know, he and Zayn went out on a date and fucked." He pauses. "Zayn really likes Niall, he admitted to it. You know how hard that was for him? Shit, I nearly kissed him from how proud I was."

"What are you trying to tell me?" Harry asks annoyed.

"Sharing someone never ends well, someone's bound to get hurt." Louis takes another drag.

"No one is sharing anyone." He spits out.

"Calm down, I know that." He shakes his head. "I'm on no one's side, not yours, not Zayn's, and not Niall's. I'm only saying what I see, and what I see is heartbreak and drama."

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