self control

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"We can all agree here that we don't need to bond, we like who we like and dislike who we dislike." Louis says as he looks over at Zayn. "I'm here to enjoy some time with El."

"Alright Louis, you can go." Liam shakes his head at the lad who gladly left to go find his girlfriend. "Any of you want to do something today?" He looks at the three who stood there awkwardly.

"Sure," Zayn smiles. "You?" He asks Harry and Niall.

"Niall and I already have plans, sorry." Harry didn't like the way Zayn kept looking at Niall, he was jealous. Angry even.

"Oh come on! Niall you're the most fun one here, let's have fun." Liam grabs him by the shoulder.

"Sorry Liam, I've got plans with Harry." Niall glances over at Zayn and sees him staring. "Maybe tomorrow." He says faltering his gaze down.

"Well, we should get going." Harry grabs Niall's hand and pulls him away from the others. "You okay?" He asks once they were out of their sight, letting go of him.

"I am." He smiles at him. "So, what are our plans?"

"Swimming?" He steps into the lift with a grin on his face.

"Okay." Niall stands beside him, he was glad it wasn't awkward between them after what he had done that one night. He wasn't sure what had taken over him.

"Poor Liam, he's trying so hard to get us all in one room. He wants it to be like back then but truth is that will never happen, a lot went down and he needs to understand that." Harry truly felt bad, he could tell Liam was the only one trying and that honestly sucked.

"It can never be like back then." He says with sadness.

"Hey, do you want to go to the public pool or—"

"We have a pool of our own for a reason, H." Niall was quite shocked to see how big the room was and even more surprised to see a pool out on the terrace.

"You're right." Harry lets Niall lead the way, he didn't want to admit it but he was quite excited to see Niall in nothing but the swimming trunks.

Niall opens the suite door and goes over to his bedroom to lay on his bed. He was exhausted from all the traveling, and the overthinking. He has been with Liam the whole way there because apparently he wanted him to be his travel buddy. It was nice catching up with him but he did start to feel uncomfortable when Liam brought Zayn up and said that they should talk. He only nodded his head and focused his attention on his phone instead.

He sighs and quickly changes into his swimming trunks before making his way to the lounge room. He was impressed by how big the suite was, it looked more like a flat than a hotel. He sees Harry laying on the sofa with the shortest swimming trunks showing off his long tan legs. Fuck.

"Took you long enough," Harry teases.

"Oh yeah sorry, I got distracted." Niall looks away and out the terrace, it was a very hot and sunny day, perfect for the pool. "Should we go?"

"Did you put suncream on?" He asks knowing how easily his skin burned under the hot sun.

"I did." He smiles. "Did you?"

"I did as well," Harry stands up and starts walking over to the terrace where the small pool was located. The view was breathtaking, he wondered if the other boys had the same suite.

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