that was close

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"So you're going to get interviewed, thing is you're all going to get separated to go to different interviews so we can finish them up and focus on touring." George looks between all five boys. "Any questions?"

"Separated?" Liam furrows his brows.

"Yeah, we've got you and Louis to do a few, Niall and Zayn will be doing only a couple then Niall will be finishing them up with Harry." He smiles. "We figured Zayn would only be comfortable with a couple of them."

"Thank you." Zayn smiles, glancing over at Niall then back at George.

"Harry you'll be doing some on your own, is that okay?" George notices his change in mood.

"That's fine." Harry feels someone's hand on his shoulder and when he turns to look he was surprised to see Louis with a sympathetic smile on his face.

"Maybe Zayn can join some of ours and Niall and Harry can be together for all of them." Liam quips up. "Just so he won't be alone."

"We thought of that, actually, unfortunately that can't happen." He sighs. "It'll be a busy couple of months, but I know you lot can handle it."

"When do we start?" Louis asks.

"Tomorrow you'll all be flying to your destinations."

"Great." Harry looks over at Niall and sees a smile plastered on his face, he seemed happy about everything.

"Enjoy the rest of the day boys." George gives them a last smile before walking out of the room.

"Have to go pack now," Louis groans. "Let's go Liam, I'm staying at yours so we don't have to get up early to meet up."

"Good luck lads." Liam waves to the three before he steps out right after Louis.

Harry stands up and slowly walks out as well, he was going to be alone for the next few weeks while Niall was with Zayn. He didn't want to think about it so he gets in his car and drives off to his favorite cafe. Beachwood Cafe. He smiles at the young lady standing behind the till with a friendly smile. He orders his favorite drink and sits on one of the tables by the window. He feels his phone vibrate so he takes it out of his purse to see who it was.


"Vince, hi, how are you?" He smiles widely, he misses him a lot.

"I'm doing alright, love, kind of miss you though. When are you coming back?"

"I don't really know, I've got a lot of interviews lined up so I don't think any time soon." He pauses. "You can always come to me, you know?"

"Might just do that, although Lana won't be too keen on me leaving weeks before the wedding."

Harry chuckles as he took a small sip of the hot drink. "Yeah, don't piss her off."

"You are coming to the wedding right? I mean you kind of have to, you are my best man."

"Of course I am, I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world." He breathes out, he really wanted to tell him.

"Hmm you better or I'm sure Lana will personally go to you and drag you to the ceremony."

"I will, don't worry." He bites on his lower lip.

"What's wrong, Haz?"

"What do you mean? Nothing is wrong?" Harry tries to play it off but he knew Vince had already caught on.

"What did you do?"

"Shit, love, can't talk now. I'll call you soon, take care. Love you lots." Harry quickly says before he hangs up. He gets up and walks out of the cafe, he freaked out, and maybe telling Vince would help him figure himself out but he wasn't ready. Not yet.

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