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Niall wakes up a bit disorientated, it takes him a while to realize where he was. He sits up and rubs his eyes letting out a small yawn. He looks at the empty space next to him, he gets out of bed and slips on his sneakers before going down the stairs. He hears Harry's voice, so he follows it. It leads him to the kitchen, he stops abruptly when he sees Harry on the counter and the Vince lad standing in between his thighs. They looked good together and that's what hurt Niall the most.

He steps back and quietly walks out of the house, he didn't want to interrupt their conversation. He takes a deep a breath and lets it go as he starts walking home. He shivers when the cold morning air hits his exposed skin, he should've called a cab. When he finally reaches his home he goes straight to his bed and lays down, turning his phone off, he shuts his eyes and forces himself to sleep.

He wakes up to loud knocks, he groans out and cusses out the person at his door. He runs his hand through his hair, knowing he looks like shit. He opens the door and was harshly pushed back. "What the hell?" Niall yells as he tries his best to gain his balance.

"I was worried sick about you! Why didn't you say you were leaving? Why didn't you answer any of my calls? Why didn't you fucking say anything!?" Harry yells back.

"I'm sure you didn't even notice." He turns on his heel and walks away from the tall lad.

"Tell me what's bothering you, Ni, please." He follows him to the kitchen. "I don't want us to keep avoiding each other anymore."

"Avoiding each other? I haven't been avoiding you. You're the one who's always making up excuses to not hang out with us. We're always inviting you and you're always leaving with him." Niall spits out, he wasn't sure why he was so angry but he was.

"Niall," Harry didn't think it bothered Niall so much that he kept hanging out with Vince. Is he jealous?

"Don't try to deny it, Harry." He angrily takes out a pot to make himself some porridge.

"Will you please stop for a second?" He tries but when he sees that he wasn't going to turn around, he walks up to him and turns him around. "I've been having a lot of anxiety over this whole reunion thing and Vince, well, he's the only one who I go to when I need some comfort. He understands me so well."

Niall felt like he had just been slapped in the face, Harry's words shouldn't be affecting him this much but they are. "Okay." Let me understand you.

"Niall, I don't think we should be hooking up anymore." Harry finally says, he's been wanting to say this to Niall since the very first time they kissed, but every time he'd try he'd get lost in his eyes and the next thing he knew they were making out. "It's only messing with our heads." My head.

"Okay." He bites down on his lip stopping it from quivering, when he looks into Harry's eyes he feels the tears coming but thankfully his gate buzzer went off. He rushes to it, letting whoever it is in, he should've checked who it was first but he was desperate to get away from Harry. He needed to breathe. He swings the door open and once again was surprised to see who it was.

"Hi, Niall." Zayn walks up to him with a smile on his face. "How are you?"

"I'm fine." Niall frowns. "I don't mean to be rude but what are you doing here?" He asks confused because Zayn would usually head back to his family home when they were on a break, which they were for the next two weeks.

"I wanted to talk." He shyly says.

"Oh, about what?" He realizes Zayn was still standing outside so he steps aside to let him in.

"About last night." Zayn chuckles nervously.

"What about last night?" Niall didn't need this, not another conversation that made him uncomfortable.

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