the fans would love it

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"Why are you so nervous? It's not as if it's your first time touring with them." Niall says to himself as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. He was a nervous wreck, he didn't want to see Zayn or anyone in that matter. But he had to suck it up and stop being such a weak person when it came to uncomfortable situations. He walks out of the loo that he was hiding in when he realizes he was too early, he makes his way to the meeting room. He opens the door and sees Harry sitting there looking bored.

"Oh, hi Ni." Harry looks away from his phone.

"Hey, you're a bit early." He sits down sliding his phone out of his pocket to check Twitter while he waited for the rest of the boys to arrive.

"So are you," He locks his phone and stares at Niall. "You know what I don't understand? The people that hate, I see a lot of fans on twitter being so awful with each other and us. If you like someone more than the others, that's cool, no need to spread such negativity. It saddens me even more when they try to put someone down only to make their favorite look superior, like what kind of shit is that? Haven't I been clear enough to treat people with kindness?"

"I agree, social media can really mess with someone's head. I've seen some people twist my words and make me look like such a horrible person." He sighs. "One of the reasons why I'm so nervous about this reunion. What if they get upset? Pissed? What if they hate us for getting back together? I... I mean as a band." He awkwardly says.

"They can't hate us for something that we promised them we'd do." He smiles at how shy Niall has become, it was cute.

"I guess." Niall trails off and focuses on his phone, he quickly sends a text to his mate Mully asking him to call him and make it seem he had to go home now. He's been thinking about this reunion and truth was he wasn't ready to see Zayn yet, it was fucking awkward and he doesn't do well with awkward situations. He jumps when his phone goes off, "I'm gonna take this." He mumbles as he walked to the back of the room. "Hello.. yes, I'm here now... what!?... I'll be there in a bit." He hangs up.

"What's wrong?" Harry asks growing worried for Niall, he sounded quite stressed.

"I have to go." He sees him staring at his face and he felt bad for lying, he opens his mouth to let him know the truth when Liam comes walking in. "Can you tell George I had to leave?" He ignored Liam's confused face.

"Sure," He nods. "If you need anything, I'm here."

"Thanks Harry." Niall briefly glances at Liam. "Bye."

"Hang on, where are you going?" Liam was confused. The meeting hasn't started and Niall was already leaving.

"Something came up, sorry, I really have to go now." Niall rushes out, he decides to take the stairs he didn't want to bump into anyone. He feels himself relax as soon as he's in his car. He felt stupid for letting small things get to him but he couldn't help it. His anxiety has gotten a lot worse and none of this was helping.


"You have to face him and show you're not scared of this asshole." Mully says, he hated how much affect Zayn had on Niall.

"You don't understand, I fucked Zayn and then left as soon as we finished. I'm the asshole here, not him." He runs his hands through his messy hair. "Not only that, I'm going to be living on a tour bus with Harry, god, it's gonna be the longest tour."

"Bud, come on, you and him are good friends. Aren't you?" He raises his brow.

"Yeah, I mean, I think so?" Niall grabs the cushion that was next to him and slams it on his face to yell into it. "Fuck my life!"

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