Chapter 1: I hate the Fates, and Mornings.

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AN: This is my first story, and Comment's with idea's and tips would be helpful. Thank you for giving my story a chance. 

When I Woke up this morning, It was to the annoying knocking on my door.

" Nico! Chiron wants you up and in the big house! Says it's important!" Leo yells out from behind the door of my cabin. Ugh. I don't wanna wake up, even if it's important. I roll over on my bed only to fall off and land on the floor with a loud THUMP! My sleep was so peaceful, I just want five more minutes. I wonder what Chiron wants. It's been some time since the war, and everything has been busy, to say the least. Apollo, you know, the GOD Apollo? Ya, he was turned into a mortal. It was embarrassing because he came to camp. As a sixteen-year-old, which means he was just one year older than me. Will Solace, who is my boyfriend, and Apollo's son, is now the same age as Will, which was really weird. He eventually left with some other people to go on a quest. 

Grumbling, I get up and put on a shirt and black skinny jeans. I don't even attempt to calm down my hair. Walking out of my cabin, I head to the big house.

When I get to the Big house, The first thing I hear is a lot of yelling. I can see Will, Percy, Annabeth, Rachel, and Chiron, and they all look fairly mad at each other. All of them are yelling on top of each other.

"He can't go! He's not ready!

"I will take his place!"

"But the prophecy says,"

"You need to finish high school!"

"Children! He's here!" Chiron says. All yelling cuts, Off, and everyone turns to look at me. "Nico," Chiron smiles at me, " How are you doing today?"

"Just fine Chiron. What is all the fuss about?"

"There's been a prophecy. We want to send you on a quest to the Avengers tower." Annabeth states.

"A prophecy? But the Oracles haven't been working."

"Which is why we think this one is so important, It goes like this." Rachel says, she takes a big breath and recites.

"A Son of death shall unite with the Avenged.

To save the world, Another will fall,

Three Pantheons unite in all,

To his last breath

Death can save the rest.

And the Mortals forever Unveiled."

An uncomfortable silence settles. Will grimaces and breaks it.

"However, we just finished a war, your still healing, and we shouldn't send you on a solo quest."

"But we don't have much choice." Percy chimes in. I Look all of them in the eye.

"I'll do it, I accept the quest."

"You can't go alone. I'll go, once a week. You will need a doctor." Will says.

"Okay, When Do I leave?"

"You and Will will leave together this afternoon. Argus will drive you to their building, where they will be waiting for you. Go pack, demigods." Chiron concluded. I turn around and walk away, heading to my cabin.   

A/N I will try to update often. 

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