Chapter 17: Angry Statue.

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I go to the big house first, because that's probably where Chiron is. Several Campers give us weird looks, I think I even heard a scream from somewhere. Something about 'Iron Man'. Clarrisse sees me from the arena and runs up to me. " Hey Ghostie, who are these weirdos? They look a little old to be campers." She asks.

" Ghostie? What kind of nick-name is that?" Steve says.

" A correct one. These are people from my quest Clarisse. Do you know where Chiron is?" I say. I can tell the whole team is eyeing Clarrisse's weapon, probably thinking that she shouldn't have it.

" I haven't. He's probably at the big house. Will is at the archery range, I could send him your way."

" That's okay. I'm gonna head up to the big house." I turn on my heels and leave. Clarrisse does too, heading back to the arena. The team watches her leave. From behind me, I hear Tony screech.

" Is that a lava wall! Why do you have one of those!" I ignore him. If he's going to stay here, he'll be able to see it later. I walk into the big house and knock on Chirons door. I hear a soft come in, and enter. I leave the team outside the door though.That room is to crowded for us all to be there. I see Chiron is in his wheelchair, and he gives me a warm smile.

" Back from your quest so soon Nico?"

" Not exactly. We were attacked,"

" Oh no! Is everyone okay?" He almost looks a little panicked.

" Let me finish Chiron. One of our members are no longer with us, yes. I had to bring the rest of the team here though. That's what I came to tell you. We needed somewhere that people wouldn't find us. Here seemed a suitable option."

" I understand your decision. Your team can stay for a few days, but no more. We can risk S.H.I.E.L.D learning our location."

" Understood." I tell him. He smiles. He opens his mouth to say something, but someone throws open the door.

" Hey Chiron, have you seen," Will stops his sentence as he sees me. " Nico!" He yells. "Your here!"

" I am." I go out the door to see the Avengers whispering. Whatever they were whispering about, they stopped as soon as I entered. Will walks up beside me.

" What are we going to do with them?" He whispers. I honestly have no idea. These people are trained, but there not demigod trained. They would get demolished here. There's not really a good place to let them sleep either. I suppose they could sleep in the big house, but we really only use the big house for storage and meetings. They could sleep in a cabin, but a lot of those are full. I don't think they would like if we divided them up either. There's only one cabin that's not in use right now, I guess that would be our best option.

" They can sleep in a cabin." I tell Will. Jason is not here right now, we'll just have to use his cabin. That space can probably hold all of them. I wave my hand in a 'follow me' motion and head out the door. It's nearing sunset. I cut across the dining pavilion to the big marble building and open the door to the Zeus cabin. I have only been here a couple of times, and I think it gets weirder every time. The inside is big and white, with a statue of a glaring Zeus in the middle. In one corner of the room there's a sleeping bad that Thalia uses when she's here. There's also a bed that Jason uses when he's here. Neither of them have been here for a while, so there was dust everywhere. Not the best place to sleep, but it will have to do. I walk father into the room so the team can gather around me. They have varying amounts of interest. Bruce seems very interested about the building itself, While Natasha seems more interested about who lives in it. I turn and face them. " You guys can sleep here. It's the least populated cabin right now. If you touch someone else's stuff, I will know. Thalia will know too. You do not want to get on her bad side. Dinner is soon. I'll come get you when it's time." I walk past them and out the door. This way they can have some of their 'super secret talks' without worrying about me intruding. Dinner really will be soon. Now I just need to figure out something to do while I wait for dinner.

I walk over to my cabin, and go inside. It's dark in here, but in a nice way. It doesn't look like a place for vampires anymore. The walls are still the same color, but there's one window. The beds, instead of looking like coffins, are bunk beds made from a dark wood with black blankets. There's still a small shrine in the back of the room. I set my photos on the dresser and flop down on my bed. Although I hadn't planned it, I fall asleep. 

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