Chapter 16: Home.

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" On three. One, two, Three!" The gruff voice yells. The door bursts open, and I can see four people on the other side. By the looks of it, they're shield agents. All four of them pull out their guns. Natasha pulls out a gun too, and Steve runs up to tackle the guys with his shield in hand. Tony tackles Bruce, and keeps him out of harm's way. I grab my sword from the shadows and join Steve. I divert the attention of one of the guys to me, and he backs away once he sees my sword. He looked down right scared, but he starts shooting at me anyway. I get up close to him and twist his wrist, causing him to drop his gun. I don't want to kill the guy so I scratch him on the arm with my sword. The guy screams and falls to the floor. My sword is pretty deadly on almost everyone. The tiniest scratch can hurt like Hades. Steve finishes off the other guy right after me. He looks extremely curious as to what I did, but he goes off and helps Natasha who is trying to fight off the last guys. From where I stand, I watch Natasha and Steve knock him out together. Then I walk over to the guy closest to me. Crouching down, I reach my hand out in front of the guy. Heal, be yourself. I tell him. I see purple tendrils of smoke reach out and swarm the guy. He gasps and opens his eyes, flailing around. His eyes aren't blue now, their brown. I fix the rest of the agents then go back into my room.

" We need to find a safe house. Preferably soon." Steve says.

" Where could we go? I don't know anywhere safe." Natasha inputs. I was really trying to avoid this, but I could take them to camp. I really don't want them to know where it is. We could be attacked later for it. However, it's a safe place that no one would know about. Natasha and Tony start yelling about some safe house they used a couple of years ago. Something about Clint. I walk over and grab my photos. I guess we will find out if it's worth the risk.

" I know somewhere we can go." I mumble. The yelling ceases. I turn and look at them. " Grab my hands. I'll take you." They come a little closer. Bruce seems hesitant, probably because he hasn't shadow traveled before. Natasha seems hesitant to.

" Where are you taking us?" She asks.

" Camp. I'll take you to camp." I answer. Thor grabs onto my left hand, and Tony grabs on my right. Bruce starts grabbing onto Tony, but I stop him. " I should only take two at a time. You wait here." I call.

I shadow travel to the very edge of camp, by the tree. " Stay here, Whatever you do, don't move." I tell them. I go back and take Bruce, Natasha and Steve all at once. When we get there, I walk up Half-Blood hill. I never thought I would say it, but I missed home. 

A/N Short Chapter today. Credit to Marvel and Rick Riordan. 

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