Chapter 3: Pink unicorns eat seaweed.

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" Umm, Hello. Actually, I will not be the one staying full-time; just part-time. Nico will stay full-time." Will says, pushing me forward slightly.

" Hello. Who are you guys?" I say. They have all relaxed in their chairs, even though they still look a little grumpy.

" Natasha. I'm the black Widow" the only girl in the room said. She wore a black tank top, and had shoulder length curly red hair. She was drinking a smoothie.

" Bruce Banner. Or the hulk." A guy in a lab coat with short curly brown hair said. This was a weird one, I could sense two souls in his body, one human, one monster, interesting.

" Steve Rodgers, I'm,"

" Captain America" I Interrupt Captain America. Currently, he looks like he is in his 30's, but he should be about as old as I am, at least.

" Okay then, well I'm Tony Stark, Iron Man." A man with his feet on the table said. He wore a red shirt, and was sipping what looked like coffee.

"I'm Clint" The blonde, Clint, gestured to another muscled blonde " He is Thor. Who are you two?"

"I'm Will, and this is Nico. Nico will be joining your team, and I will visit once a week."

"Well now that we have that figured out, I'm leaving. Training starts tomorrow." Fury turned around and left the room leaving everyone else in awkward silence. After a while Tony broke it.

"I'm starving, anyone up for an early dinner?" He says shrugging. Tony got out his phone and ordered pizza. Everyone ended up moving to the living room, where we waited for pizza to arrive on the couches. When it did, Everyone but me, Will and Natasha all but ran at the pizza. When they cleared out, Will got himself cheese pizza and me pepperoni, while Natasha got up and grabbed a slice of the vegetarian pizza.

" Here. Eat." Will said tossing the paper plate on my lap.

"Thanks." I reply without touching the pizza.

" So, how old are you guys?" Tony asks.

" I'm 15. Will is 16"

" What do you like to do for fun?" At this question, Will and I just stare at each other. He spends most of his time in the infirmary, and I just do odd jobs and practice with my sword. We haven't really had time for fun.

"Fencing I guess, and um"

"I have an Internship at an Infirmary in Long Island." Will finishes.

"How did you guys meet?" This time that came from Natasha.

"Camp." We both say in unison.

"What kind of camp?"

"An interesting one. Is the interrogation over now?" I snap. I don't really like people intruding in my personal life. Steve and Bruce both look guilty, but Tony and Natasha's faces become blank. They don't trust me. I will have to earn their trust if this quest will ever work out. Aww well.

" Eat the food Nico. It's not going to kill you." Will whispers to me.

"You don't know that. What if they poisoned it?" I whisper back.

"They didn't. Why would they poison food they are eating? Just eat Nico, You haven't had anything all day."

"They totally could have poisoned it, Then taken an Antidote. Or there could be truth serum. You never know." Will sighs.

"I ate it. I'm just fine. Watch. I'm a pink fluffy unicorn that likes to eat seaweed. See? No, truth serum, and if there was poison, I would be dead." This time I sigh.

"You love seaweed!" 

Will glares at me, trying his best to look scary. I roll my eyes at him. "Fine." I pick up the now cold pizza and take a big bite. Then I pretend to choke.

"Nico!" Will says, he knows I'm faking, and pushes me off the couch. My pizza falls off the couch with me. I smile, and Will laughs. 

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