Chapter 6: Thor needs to be quiet.

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" You fell from the ceiling." Natasha point's out. Clint is still staring in shock.  Fantastic. Just fan-freaking-tastic. Now they will want to know why I fell from the ceiling clutching a bottle. I stuff the bottle in my pocket and turn for my room. 
"Gym, I'll be there in ten," I tell them. I open up my door and try to shut it, but Natasha puts her foot in the way. " What Natasha." I move to my closet and stuff the bottle into a drawer. Natasha follows me and stands at the entrance of the closet.

"I would like to know who you were talking to, and why you fell from the ceiling please," Natasha tells me, steely calm. I cross my arms. 
"I will pass on these questions." 
"I didn't say you could pass." 
 I grind my teeth, I do not have the time nor the energy to argue. "How about this, tell me why you are being so irritating." 
"Tell me why you have been so secretive."  
"Nico!" Thor rumbles, stomping into my bedroom, he stops next to Natasha. "I remember you! Your one of the special ones!" 
"Special what exactly Thor?" snapped Natasha. 
"Well, he's a" Thunder rumbles outside.
"Be quiet Thor! Keep your mouth shut, I cannot tell anyone," I hiss. Thor stops talking, but excitement shines in his eyes. 
"I will tell no one, hero, but I wish to hear the stories." Great, another person who wants to hear about Percy Jackson defeating Gaia. 
"Look, Thor, If you want to hear stories, ask someone else." I tell him. 
"What stories? What are you talking about?" Natasha questions, but Thor ignores her.
"But I would love to hear how you carried the" I stomp on Thor's foot.
"Quiet Thor! I am going down to the gym." I look back to a frustrated Natasha "If you would like to join me." I march out of my room and look for some stairs. Now I just need to figure out where the gym is. 
It took me 20 minutes and going up and down five floors to find the gym. By the time I got there, Natasha, Steve, and Clint were all already there, looking very impatient. The gym was huge, taking up the whole floor. On one end, there were mats to fight on, and machines to warm up on, along with standard bulls eyes along one wall. It also looked like there was A closet for supplies
"You sure took your time," Steve says. I shrug,
"I got lost. What are we going to do first?" They all look at each other, then they look at me.
"Do you really want to wear that while we are training?" Clint questions. I look down at my clothing. Currently, I'm wearing jeans and a black shirt with my Aviators jacket. Normally, when I train I would just wear what I have minus the jacket, but I have scars littering my arms, and those would be hard to explain, which is why I brought my jacket. However it would be hard to move with a jacket on, and it'll make them even more suspicious of me. I take off my jacket and set in to the side. They all look at my arms with shock, but don't say anything, for now.
"I'll train in this." 
" Okay, here's the deal, We are going to let you spar with one of us. If you beat one of us, we will let you skip the boring training. Or, we can just do boring training, and not spar," Natasha tells me. Boring training, they want me to run and do push-ups.
"I'll spar, push-ups are boring. I choose Steve." 
"Are you sure? We are highly trained." Steve cautions. 
"I'm sure. Are you afraid to hit a kid Steve?" I smirk.
"Nope." We both step on the mats and put our hands up.

A/N Sooooo, how do you like the story so far? Do you have any suggestions? If you do, leave comments! 

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