Chapter 20: The trip through the woods.

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It felt like forever when a scout group finally came back. Natasha ran up to where I was standing next to Zues' fist. She seemed to be having a hard time finding me, so I cleared my throat and stepped onto a patch of light. She turns and smiles at me, actually SMILES, a weird sight to see from her when she's around me. " I found the other team's flag, let's go get it." She tells me. She begins to walk in the other direction, and I Follow her.

She takes me through the woods, past rows of trees she probably can't even see. I saw a team of scouts from the Blue team. I pull Natasha behind a tree, and we crouch behind it. " Stay here." I whisper to her. I look at the team of scouts again. Four people, just a couple trees over, piece of cake. I shadow travel behind the group, and move toward the closest scout soundlessly. I whack the first scout on the head, knocking him out. The other scouts turn, looking for the attacker. The second scout see's me first and runs head on toward me. I knock him on the head too. The other two are more careful, they wait. Eventually, they both charge at once. I take out a silver knife and throw it at one of them, hitting them in the leg. I turn to the other scout, who looks panicked. They're probably a new or a younger camper. " Boo." I whisper. The scout turns on her heels and sprints in the other direction. Easier for me I guess. I walk back to where Natasha is standing.

"Nice going there." Natasha says.

" Thanks I guess." I reply. " C'mon, take me to where you say the flag." Natasha and I started jogging in the direction the scout took.

We have to hide for another group of campers a couple yards from the place we found the other scouts. I pull Natasha behind a big rock and put a finger to my lips, silencing her.

" Well, I don't know where Nico is, do you think I keep a micro-chip in him?"

" Maybe. I never know with you two. One minute you hate each other, the next your stealing glances at each other from the lunch table. You guys are confusing."

" Most people are confusing."

" So do you know where he is?"

" No! I don't have him micro-chipped! He's not an animal!"

" Technically, we're all animals."

" Technically, we're half god."

" Stop it you two! I don't know why I picked to scout with you crazies."

" You didn't do that either." Two of them say at once. Their being awfully loud for people who are trying to scout out an area without being maimed. I hear one of the scouts shush the other two.

" Be quiet!" He whispers yells. " I think I heard something. The scouts fall silent, and I hear the noise they were talking about, a soft sort of scuttling noise. Something heavy dragging on the ground, a dampened click, click noise. I peer above the rock I'm hiding under, looking for the source of the noise. I see a terrifying sight. 

A/N sorry for not updating in a while... 

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