Chapter 2: The Avengers bicker more than demigods.

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I don't know how long I'll be staying, so I pack a lot of stuff. Along with my shirts and jeans, I pack a dress shirt and tie, my hygiene products, and my pictures. I've collected pictures for quite a while now. I have a bunch. There is one of Bianca and me, one of Thalia, Percy, Jason, Hazel, and me, and one of both camps at camp Jupiter. My pictures are some of the very few personal items I own, besides my Hades figurine, but that will stay here. In the end, all of my stuff ends up fitting in my black backpack. My sword I throw into a shadow, I can retrieve that whenever I please. I walk outside and see Will leaning against the side of the Hades cabin. Today he's wearing blue ripped jeans, and a blue shirt with the Captain America symbol in the middle. On his shoulder is the strap for his medical bag that hangs by his side. " You ready to go Death breath?" He walked toward me. 
"Of course Sunshine" I tease. I close the distance between us and we start the walk to half blood hill. When we get there, I pet Peleus on the head, scratching his scales. We continue to the van waiting to take us to New York. Will and I both slide into the backseat and Argus starts to drive. We sit in comfortable silence until Will speaks up. 
    "I need to leave tomorrow morning, but I will come back once a week so I can clean and check up on those werewolf claw marks. They need time still. Okay?" 
"Okay. Wait for you to do weird doctor stuff. Got it." I reply. Will punches me in the arm. He tries for a scolding look, but it slips into a smile. 

We arrive at the Avengers tower and walk through the doors. Will immediately goes to the front desk lady and starts talking. I just stand behind him. The lady tells us to take the elevator to the 36 floor.  My hands start shaking when I step into the elevator, and I keep my eyes closed until the elevator doors open. Then I launch myself out of the elevator into a big spacious room. On the left, there's a kitchen with a bar, on the far side of the room, there's big couches sprawled in front of a big area on the wall that's all glass. In front of the elevator, A tall man is waiting. He has dark skin, an eye patch over one eye, and is wearing a black trench coat.
    " I'm director Fury. Come with me please." Fury turns around and walks across the room into a hallway. He opens a gray door, and inside, there is a conference room with 6 people in it all sitting down beside a large table. As soon as Will and I stepped out from behind Fury, all eyes turned to us, and yelling started; all of it overlapping each other.
"He can't stay here!" 
"There children!" 
"Who trained them!" 
"They need to be at school!"
"They will ruin the tower!"
"We can't save the world and protect them!"
    "Enough!" Fury bellowed, slamming his hand down on the table. "Stop bickering like children" He turned to Will  " You the one that's is going to stay and join the team?" All eyes land on him.

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