Chapter 5: Death drops by.

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When I woke up the next morning, It took me a while to remember where I am. Will isn't here, he probably left for camp. It's fairly early, so I try to be quiet as I leave my room. I go into the kitchen and see Natasha and Clint. I spot Clint with the coffee pot in his hand, and he takes a big gulp out of it. A gulp out of THE COFFEE POT! "What are you doing!" I yell at him, snatching the coffee pot out of his hands. I grab two cups and pour them, then put the coffee pot back in the machine. Taking my cup, I slid down to the floor and begin to sip my coffee.

"So, Nico, we thought you could train with us today." Clint starts. I raise one finger to silence him. Then I down my whole cup of coffee.

"Sure," I answer him. I don't really trust to do more than one word answers. I speak five languages ( Italian, Greek, Latin, English, and Mandarin) , and sometimes, I mix them up, ESPECIALLY when I haven't had much coffee. Clint slides down next to me and just stares at me. I'm probably a weird sight to see, A scrawny teen in black clothing on the floor drinking coffee next to the world's best archer and a master assassin.

"Nico, what would you like for breakfast?" Natasha asks.

"More coffee," I replied, handing my now empty cup to Clint. He takes it and put it on the counter, but doesn't give it back to me.

" You're probably good without coffee Mister."

"It's Nico, not mister, or Kid, or death breath, or child, or zombie boy, or"

"Wait, wait, Death breath? Zombie boy? What kind of names are those?" Natasha asks. I grimace, probably not the best nicknames to mention.

"Their the names given to someone who looks like a fresh corpse. I hate them." I reply.

"Like father Like son." An unfamiliar voice says. No, not unfamiliar, just not from here.

"Thanatos. I'd say it's a pleasure to meet you, but It's not. Playing Errand boy again?" I say, calmly. Both Natasha and Clint have stood up, and are holding knives out to Thanatos, who doesn't seem to care one bit. He just strolls closer to me.

"Back away from him! Nico who is this?" Clint yells. This time I ignore him, and focus on Thanatos.

"Watch your tongue child." Thanatos scolds me.

"Why? We both know you can't kill me, It's not my time. And you don't visit me just to say hi, you have a reason. What is it?" I retort, standing up. Thanatos and I look very alike, however, I am shorter than he is, so I need to tilt my head up to look at him. Doesn't exactly help me look imposing, but aw well. Thanatos rolls his eyes.

"Still naive, arrogant, and cocky I see." He grins "However you are correct. Your father wants to see you. I was sent to fetch you." He snaps his fingers, and he and I disappear. The shadow travels both of us to my father's throne room, I see my father on his midnight black throne. Since its November, Persephone is also here, but her throne is porcelain white. I kneel in front of them.

"Father, you wanted to see me."

"Yes yes, I have something for you." I look up and see Hades striding toward me while uncapping a bottle. This is important, only drink this in a time of need, you will know when."

"Give him the bottle and send him back Hades," Persephone growls. She must be in a bad mood. Demeter might be around. Hades drop the bottle into my hand, and I disappear, falling into the cold shadows. The voices push and pull, asking me to join them. I am blinded by a light, and fall to the floor with a THUNK. Ouch, I must have fallen from the ceiling. I stand up and see Clint and Natasha staring at me with wide eyes. 

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