Chapter 21: Out.

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Standing in front of Will and two other campers was this giant scorpion thing. It was huge, only slightly shorter than Will, with big, black, glittering eyes. I scramble out from behind the rock. " Get out of the way!" I yell. Will and the other campers  look at me, really surprised. I push Will and he snaps out of whatever trance he was in. He pushes the other campers a safe distance away from the huge scorpion. I turn toward the monster once everyone is a safe distance away.

First I take out a pair of throwing knives and hurl them at the scorpion. This stick harmlessly in it's tough skin. The monster roars, and starts to throw spikes from it's tail almost as long and thick as my arm. I jump up in the air to avoid one, and a different one grazes my arm. My arm starts to burn, they must be poisoned. I start running toward the monster, getting out my sword. It reaches out it's big pincers, and I spin to avoid them. I slash with my sword. The scorpion continues to throw spikes, and another embeds itself in my leg. It starts to go numb. I scream, a howl of rage, and I let the dead join me.

Skeletons rise up from the ground, one, two, four of them. All equipped with a weapon "warriors, Fight!" I yell out. The skeletons and I charge together, all of us attacking the scorpion at once. The scorpion cries out, and starts slashing its tail through the air, sweeping skeletons off their feet. But they get back up again, and kept fighting. The skeletons keep the scorpion busy, it doesn't even see when I get close to it, and stab it right where the heart should be. The thing faltered, and stopped, collapsing on the ground. It doesn't even twitch.

I turn back toward the other's. Will has this sort of annoyed expression on his face, and the other two boys, a look of pure shock. Natasha doesn't show any expression, her face like stone. The adrenaline leaves me, and drowsiness fills me. Will walks over to me, his arms crossed. "You're very dramatic, you know that? C'mon, all take you to camp."

" I'll be fine, I think we have some nectar lying around somewhere."

" Are you trying to lie? To a son of Apollo, really? In what sense would that work?"

" You wouldn't be able to tell if you were the one that fought off that scorpion."

" Yah Yah, you're a big hero, let's get you back to camp." Will stands next to me, and slings his arm over my shoulders.

" It's Percy's job to be the hero, not mine."

" Sure death breath, keep telling yourself that." We start walking ( Will walks, I Limp) in the direction of camp.

He takes me to the infirmary, and I sit down on one of the beds. He walks around, grabbing things from shelves. I lay down and look at the ceiling. I tried so hard to avoid it, and it happened anyway. They know what I can do, what are they going to think? That I'm a freak? That they aren't going to need me anymore? Natasha will tell everyone, and then they'll leave me. What have I done? 

A/N 3K reads! I'm so excited! 

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