Chapter 4: Nicos a lucky duck.

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"Now I can't eat it because it's on the floor," I tell him from my position on the floor. He stands up and picks up the slice of pizza, throws it away, grabs another one, and drops the plate on my face "Mph." I mumble. 

I get up and retake my position on the couch, dropping the pizza on Will's Lap. The Avengers are all staring at us now. I clear my throat. "Maybe now is a good time to show me my room." I tell them. 

"Sure, I will show you." Steve says. He gets up and leads us to the elevator, where we go up a floor. He looks at me oddly when my hands start shaking, but doesn't say anything. "Your room will be on the same floor as Clint and Natasha's. Everyone else sleeps on the floor above or below this one.  If you need anything, Clint and Natasha will always be available." 

We step out of the elevator into a room similar to the living room we were in. We go down the hallway and he opens the 3rd door to the left. Inside is a spacious room, there was a large bed made of dark mahogany with black blankets and white pillows and a matching side table. On the far side of the room, the entire back wall was clear glass. To the left of the door there was a leather loveseat that had a throw blanket that matched the bed blankets. Their was also two doors, one that led to a bathroom, the other led to a walk in closet.  "There you go." Steve left the room. 
    "You lucky duck, this is a nice room," Will says. 
"It is." I walk over to the closet and dump all of the contents of my backpack on the floor. All of my clothes barely fill a drawer. I put my toothbrush and some nectar in the bathroom, then flop next to Will on the bed. "Mmmph."  
"I agree, it is comfy. If you sit up, I'll deal with your werewolf scratches, then we won't have to worry about it later."  I groan, but sit up anyway. I take off my shirt and unwrap the bandages while Will gets a bowl of hot water. He comes back and mixes some antibiotics in the water. Using a sponge, he wipes the scratches clean. Although I try not to, I still flinch. "I know it stings. Werewolf scratches can heal, but it's hard. They need magic so you don't turn into a werewolf. They also take a lot of time to scar over, and infect easily. It could be worse. At least all of your other cuts healed. These ones are doing really well. I've heard of victims who had to wait for 3 years to have them healed. A mortal would never make it, they most definitely die." Will is saying all of this stuff to try and make me feel better, and I am glad he's trying. 
"What do you think about the prophecy?" I interrupt him.
"Well, I believe that the first line means what is happening right now, but with the rest? I can't even begin to guess. " Will stops, and dumps the water down the sink. He comes back with a towel. He dries my back, then starts bandaging my shoulders. After he's finished, we lay back down, and sit in a comfortable silence, until I fall asleep. 

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