Chapter 11: Floor Pancakes.

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I wake up early, and go out to the kitchen to see Clint making breakfast. Natasha walks in right after me, looking sweaty from the gym. “ What are you making?” she asks Clint, He doesn’t answer. I tapped him on the shoulder and point to Natasha. Then I grab my coffee. Fury told me that Clint has serious hearing loss, and he probably hasn’t found his hearing aids this morning yet. He seems to lose them a lot. It turns out that he’s making pancakes, and lots of them. He set’s one in front of Natasha, then one on the floor in front of me. I hear the elevator open, and Steve, Tony, and Thor all run out. Bruce walks out, calm and unphased. They all take seats at the counter, and Bruce looks at me sitting on the floor. 
“ You want to sit up here? There’s plenty of spaces.”
“ No.” It’s still too early for complete sentences. Hazel and Reyna will arrive soon, they are only going to say for maybe an hour, hopefully to fill me in on what’s going on at Camp Half Blood. Most communication between each camp has stopped working, so we have had people travel back and forth to deliver messages. We know something big is going down soon. Apollo being human really hasn't helped the matter. From the ceiling, I hear Jarvis’ voice. 
“ Sir, There are people here who would like to see Nico, should I send them up sir?” 
“Yes Jarvis, send them up please.” Tony answers. Hazel and Reyna must be here from camp. The technology might freak Hazel out, It did last time, but that was a long time ago. I should have warned here before hand. The elevator makes it’s little beeping noise, then Reyna and Hazel come out. They spot the Avengers before me, So they great them first. Reyna and Hazel are both wearing casual clothes, Jeans and purple T-shirts the same shade as there Roman ones. 
“ Hello, I’m Reyna” She gestures to herself.” This is Hazel. Who are you guys?” All of the Avengers point to themselves and say their names. “ Could you tell me where Nico is please?” 
“ I'm on the floor.” I speak up. They both turn toward me, and Hazel runs up to hug me, before she thinks better of it. Reyna plops down next to me and steals a bite of my untouched pancakes. “ Hello you two.”
“ Hello Nico. I thought they told everyone no more quests for a while.” Sarcasm is heavy in her tone. 
“ Yet I’m still here. How’s everything going?” 
“ Not well, communication is still down. People are being restless. They know something is going to happen.” She shoves the pancakes in my direction. “ Here. How have you been?”  
“ I’m a freak living with An assassin, a god, half robot dude, an evil scientist, and the best archer in the world. Yet, I’m still the weird one.”
“ So you’ve been great then. Good to  know Nico.” Hazel imput’s. ” We were thinking about staying until late this Afternoon. What do you want to do?” Clint walked over to us and handed Reyna and Hazel a pancake. They gobbled them up. 
“ We could train after this, like the way they do it here.” I say. 
“ Works for me. If you want me to beat you at wrestling, so be it.” Reyna say’s
“ That a challenge?” 
“ You  bet.” I leave my pancakes on the counter, and we head to the gym.

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