Chapter 22: Forgiveness and friendship.

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I guess I fell asleep, because I opened my eyes and the sun was shining through the windows. My leg was all bandaged up, and there was some food on a tray by my bed. Natasha was also there, she was talking to one of the other Apollo campers. "Well, you're awake." I hear someone say. I almost jumped five feet in the air, I didn't realize someone was close to me. I turn my head around and see Will Solace, in all his glory, with a clipboard. Half the time I see him he's with a clipboard, and glaring. He always seems to be glaring at someone in the infirmary. Now he's glaring at me, and I bet he's about to tell me why. "You haven't been eating right." I knew it. "Your leg was also pretty injured by the scorpion we encountered last night. I've been waiting for you to wake up." My stomach takes a plumet. Him waiting for me to wake up is normally not a good thing. Will walks past Natasha and grabs something, a cup. He comes back and sits on the edge of my bed. "Drink this." He tells me. I take the cup from him and look at the contents. It's a liquid, brown and gooey. It kind of shimmers a faint gold, and it smells absolutely horrible. Like someone threw up and mixed it with nasty chemicals then threw it in a blender. I put the cup on the bedside table.

"There is no way in Hades I am drinking that." I tell him.

" Yah know, he said you were going to say that." Natasha said, coming and sitting on the other side of my bed. I cross my arms.

"Then he was right. Congratulations Solace, you were right about something."

"Don't get sassy on me Nico. Just drink it." Will pleads. I shake my head.

"No way, that stuff looks like monster goop. I'm not drinking Monster goop." Will shakes his head at me. He stands up and claps his hands together.

"Fine. You can sit here and be in pain because of the poison for however long you like. But you're not leaving until you drink that." He says, He turns around and stomps out of the room. I hear Natasha laugh.

"At first, I thought he would force it down your throat himself. I guess he's soft just for you." She says, I snort.

"Yah, soft for me, that's a good one."

"I'm serious. I think he really does go easy on you. I also wanted to talk to you about what happened back in the woods." Oh great, this is it. She's going to say how much she hates me, how she never wants to see me again. How I'm as creepy as the skeletons I summon. I bet she talked to Reyna too, about what I did on our travels. No one should have that kind of power, not me, not anyone. I feel Natasha shake me, and I snap out of my thoughts. "Nico, are you there?" She asks.

"Yah, yah I'm here, look I understand that you want to leave, it's fine. I'm sure you guys can finish this mission without me." I tell her. She gives a half-hearted smile that turns into a grimace.

"No, that's not what I was going to say. I want to thank you Nico. You saved my life. Is that what everyone thinks? Do your powers scare everyone that much?" I looked at her, gaping. She came to thank ME? I mean, me? I've never really got the recognition for anything. I mean, I got some credit after the giant war, that's true. Most of that was given to the seven though, I didn't really do anything, fantastical, I guess. Just moved a statue, not stop a giant I just don't understand that she would thank me. I did something freaky, I thought she would do what most people do, run away.

"You're not going to leave?" I croak. She nods.

"Sorry man, you're not getting out of this." She smiles, a small smile, but a smile anyway. "Now," She says, a stern expression on her face. "You should drink your weird potion juice." I smile too.

"No way." We both laugh. Maybe Natasha isn't so bad after all.

A/N 4K reads! Thanks you guys so much!

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