Chapter 12: And the Winner is...

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Hazel and I take the stairs, racing to the gym. When we get there, almost everyone else is already here, doing different things. Reyna and Natasha are chatting, Tony and Steve are at the punching bags, and Clint is running on a treadmill. Hazel walks over to Steve, while I walk over to Reyna and Natasha. Hazel must be pretty excited to see Steve, considering that Steve was becoming a big superstar right before she died.

"So Nico, you can spar with me, then Natasha and I are going to spar. Whenever your ready, I'll kick your butt." Reyna says, turning her attention to me.

" Whenever your ready Reyna." We step onto the mat and face each other. Reyna makes the first move, running toward me and going for a punch. I duck and roll, and come up behind her. I trip her as she turns around, and she falls to the floor. We both scramble back up to our feet. Reyna comes back to punch again, and I don't dodge to easily. I fall to the floor. She puts her hand next to my neck.

"Dead." She says, moving away from me. Great, she beat me, again. I get up and see Natasha looking surprised.

" You beat Nico. Good job."

" Thanks." Reyna replies, " You wanna go?" Natasha steps up to the mat. This time, Natasha threw the first punch. Reyna dodged, and tried to knock Natasha over. Natasha stayed steady on her feet.

" That all you got? I was thinking you had more to give." Natasha says. She runs over to kick Reyna. This time, Reyna knocks her on the ground, and pins her the same way she did with me .

" Now your dead too." She gets up and walks over to get some water. Natasha walks over to me.

" She's good, how long has she trained?"

" Years, a lot of them." I tell her.

" Where?"

" Classified until further notice." I tell her. That immediately cuts off all of our conversation. She's suspicious about me, and I'm suspicious of her too. She's not telling me everything, and I can only begin to guess what. I go over to the archery range and practice throwing knives. Reyna ends up wandering over to the punching bags. After a while, Hazel walks back over to me.

" We should chat. Have anywhere private?" She asks.

" Ya, let's go." I take her up to my bedroom, where we sit on the couch. " What do you want to tell me sis?" She taps her fingers on her knee, and looks around.

" It's silly, I just feel like something is going to happen, you know? Like I don't know what it is, but it's going to be big. I thought you might know something."

" I don't know Hazel. I understand your concern though. This quest, It doesn't feel right. None of what's happening feel's right. Like we're waiting for an invisible enemy with no idea when he's going to strike."

" Have you had any contact with Pluto?"

" Hades. Yes, before this mission, he told me to be careful. He wouldn't tell me what though."

" I agree with him. Be careful Nico. We don't know what we are dealing with yet."

" You be careful too." We watch the city from my window for a little while, just sitting with each other. Eventually, Reyna walked in, and said they had to go back to camp Jupiter. When they left, it was late-afternoon, so I wandered over to see what kind of food was in the kitchen. Natasha was the only one there, sipping some water. I grab some water, and sit across from her. I listened to the honking of horns, and the beep of different devices. From a floor down yelling starts. It would not have been that weird, if Bruce didn't choose that moment to burst through the door followed by Clint.

" It's Loki! Run!" Bruce yell's running toward us. Natasha and I stand up and we dash down the hall. We turn to go into my room, and right as I round the corner, I hear a sickening thud. Natasha shuts my door as soon as I see Clint's body fall to the ground. 

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