Chapter 8: The Hero shows up.

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 I guess Steve took the elevator because he beat me up to the main floor. All of the Avengers are munching on Chinese on the couches when I get there. There's a box on the table with my name on it that I grab. I sit next to Thor and start to eat. They all engage in conversation with each other, but I don't know what there talking about. Something about Loki and Hydra. Thor leans down and whispers to me.

"Will you tell me stories later, Hero?" Great, he isn't going to drop the 'Percy Jackson and his adventures' thing. Out of fury, I dug out my phone and call Percy's mom. She answered on the first ring.

" Jackson-Blofis residence, who is this?" She calls. I hear Estelle laughing in the background and lots of other chatter.

" Hello Mrs. Blofis. Is Percy home? May I speak with him?"

"Hello Nico! It's nice to hear from you. You should come to visit some time! I'll get Percy." She tells me. There's shuffling on the other line, and I hear Percy pickup the phone.

"This better be an Emergency Di-Angelo. What is it?"

"I need you to come to an address for me. The Avengers tower in New York. Quickly, please. Tell the Lady at the desk I sent for you." I hang up quickly, Percy doesn't have a monster proof phone, so the call had to be short. I think they can handle anything at this point though. Natasha is watching me, she probably heard the whole conservation. I eat the rest of my food quickly, and wait for Percy. I don't really need him, and I know he hates attention, but I have had enough of these Avengers already.

I hear the elevator ding, and Percy stumbles out. I jump to my feet along with the rest of the Avengers. Percy has his pen out, and he looks at me confused. "Dude, what's the matter? I ran all the way here, but I don't see a problem."

"Who are you!" Tony yells. Thor drops his meal when it finally hits him.

"It's Percy Jackson! The Percy Jackson guys!"

"He's your problem now," I tell Percy. His shoulders slump, and he puts his pen away, kicking at the ground.

"Man, Annabeth is going to be so mad I left for nothing." He looks up with playfulness in his eyes. "Di-Angelo you're so dead!" I turn and run to my room. Just as I lock the door, I hear Percy start banging his fists against it.

"Deal with It!" I yell at him. I am so tired of these Avengers already, and It's only been one day. We haven't even figured out who we are dealing with.

Percy's point of view.

Nico slammed his door in my face at the Avengers tower. Thanks a lot Nico, I left my mom and Paul with Estelle so I could see what was wrong. I thought someone attacked him! 

I walk back to where the Avengers are all still lounging on couches. This is going to be awkward. "So, I'm Percy Jackson. Who are you guys?" I attempt a smile. 

They all introduce themselves and tell me about the so-called mission they're trying to figure out. I'm glad I don't have to be a part of it. We lapse into silence. I don't know these people, what are we supposed to talk about? "Soooo," I start "Do you have any ideas for who is going to attack?" Everyone begins to look panicked. "Someone did tell you, right?" Clearly, someone did not, now they are all looking panicked. The elevator beeps, and someone steps out. He was wearing a trench coat, and had an eye patch on. He walked over and stood next to me.

"Who are you?" He asks me.

"Percy, who are you?"
"Fury," he turns to look at the rest of the Avengers. "Percy is right, there is an incoming threat. I believe we have figured out who too. Stark, pull up video file number 4803 please." Said stark pulls out a laptop and types. A holographic screen appears above a coffee table, and a guy with black hair and Green clothes could be seen on a rocky cliff somewhere.

"I am Loki, god of mischief. I am here to state a message. Unless you wish to die, Join me. I await your answer." The message blacks out. 

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