Chapter 23: When Am I Not In Trouble?

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Natasha leaves shortly after we finished talking. She wanted to tell the rest of the Avengers that I’m not dead, and I’m just being stubborn, stuff like that. I relax into my comfortable bed in the infirmary. It’s really not that bad here, except it smells weird and there's a lot of white everywhere. He doesn’t like the idea of putting a little bit of black in here either, so I’ll just have to deal with the brightness for now. So much has happened in the last few days, it’s kind of insane. Clint, and Clint, how can I forget? His death was weird, like Leo’s. But I saw with my own eyes, he fell on the floor, bleeding. He can’t survive that, can he? I don’t know, and I don’t want to have false hope either. I don’t want the whole team hoping he might come back when he’s really dead. I hope the whole team is okay too, they’ve been put through a lot too. I really should go check up on them.
I slip out of bed and stand up stretching. It feels nice. I can see light leaking through the windows, so I must have slept all night. Now I just have to deal with Will. How am I going to get past him? I definitely don’t want to stay any longer, and I don’t want to drink his weird potion. He practically runs the place, and almost everyone here knows unless I’m leaving with Will, I’m probably not supposed to leave. I don’t want to shadow travel away, I’m just not feeling up to it. I suppose I could limp my way out of here, see how sneaky I can get.
I slip out of my room into this long hallway. They’ve added on to the infirmary a lot since the last war. The infirmary is its own building now, and some Hecate kids enchanted it so that it’s bigger on the inside than the outside. It’s a pretty neat trick. Except when you want to sneak out of the building, because I can never find the exit. They also keep Are’s kids in here, they take turns watching patients and making sure they don’t run off. It’s supposed to help them not be as violent, although I doubt that really works on all of them. I take a left and start heading down the hallway. Maybe I’ll get lucky and find the exit.
I hear heavy footsteps coming from down the hallway, and I slip into another room to avoid whoever is in the hallway. In the room I slip into, someone's sleeping, with food resting on a little tray by their beds. Food, I could use some food. I wish I grabbed whatever was in my bedroom. I hear the footsteps pass, and I slip out of the room. Lots of Apollo kids are wandering the hallways, along with other injured kids. I keep my head down, maybe they’ll just mistake me for someone else.
I turn down another hallway and look around. This one is almost empty, just a few kids wandering around. That’s a surprise. I’m almost to the end of the hallway when I hear Will. Oh no. I slip into another room and I hide behind the door. The door opens, and Will steps in. Oh no, this is not good in the slightest. I need to get out of here without him seeing me. Will leaves the door open as he steps into the room, so I’m still hidden, but he’s standing in the middle of the doorway. If I try to leave using the door, he’s totally going to catch me. I guess I’ll have to shadow travel. I’ve been trying to avoid it, but I don’t think there's another way out at the moment. The lights are still on, I’m going to need to turn those off. There on the other side of the door though. I’m just going to have to risk it.
Will starts talking to the kid in the room, and I slowly sneak behind him. The kid notices me almost immediately, of course they would. His eyes widen as I step behind Will. I put my finger to my lips, telling him to be quiet. He looks away, and stares at Will as he talks.
I’m almost to the other side of Will when the floorboards creak underneath me. Will starts to turn around to check what the noise is. I dive over to the light switch, my arm flailing to slam it off. As the light turns off, I can hear Will yelling.
“NICO DI ANGELO,” he yells. I shadow travel out of there. I am in so much trouble. So, so much trouble.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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