Chapter 10: I Mingle With The Dead

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I can feel voices whisper to me, and my own soul melting, wanting to join them, and then it's over, I'm In Elysium. I walk down cobbled streets, all shades of black and white. From what I can tell, all of the people here can see the color, but I cannot, I'm not dead. I see Silena and Beckendorf, sitting on a fountain in a small park. Zoe nightshade at target practice with her arrows. Micheal Yew walking down the sidewalk. Most of them say a friendly hello, they all know who I am. I walk up the steps to an old two story house, just like the one Luke used to live in before he ran away. I knock, and May Castellan, Luke's mom, open the door.

" Hello dear, Luke's in the living room," I walk the rest of the way in and head for the living room.

" Luke," I call out. He's sitting on the couch, watching a detective show. When I say his name, he turns and smiles at me.

" Hey! It's Ghost boy! How are you Nico, haven't heard from you in a while." I sit down on the couch.

" I've been busy, you know, quests, war's, trying to stop evil people, the usual. I need a favor. Could you describe Atlas for me? The guy who holds up the sky." He gives me a weird look.

" Okay, weird request. He was big, muscular, bald, when he was not holding up the sky he wore fancy rich clothes. He had brown eyes, I can't really remember anything else. Why do you ask Nico?"

" I had a dream, Atlas was definitely in it. Thanks Luke." I walk out the door, and shadow travel back to the Avengers tower. When I get back, all of the Avengers are in the living room, Percy's gone, he must have gone home. Natasha stands up when I walk in front of them.

" Alright Nico, you are hiding stuff. You need to spill, now." She says

" I know, I am. So, You all know that the Norse gods exist. Well, the Greek ones exist too, congratulations!" I throw up my hands. Tony almost chokes on his water.

" The Greek gods exist too! Oh, let me guess, the Egyptian gods exist too then huh."

" Of course," I answer. " But they try to stay away from Greek affairs. They think were crazy. Moving on, I know who we are battling, which, if you don't know, I joined your little team because you guys have a Greek enemy. His name is Atlas, and I think that he is teaming up with one of your enemies. Black hair, blue eyes, green clothes, ring any bells?" Everyone turns their eyes to Thor, who is staring at the floor.

" Alright, he sounds like my brother Loki," He mumbled. "But in my defense, he's adopted.

" Now that we have that figured out, they are going to attack New York. I don't know when, but they have an Army. We need to put Atlas back under the sky, and crush their army." I tell them.

" Whoa, hold up, I'm still stuck on the part where you said Greek myths are REAL! H-How does this connect to you, are you a god too, like Thor?" Bruce stutters. I almost laugh, me, a god? Ridiculous.

" No, I'm not a god, but that was funny, really. I'm a demigod, half god, half mortal. The only reason I'm telling you this is because Atlas is a Titan, when he attacks, you need to know what you are up against."

" Who's your parent? Your godly one, I mean." Clint asks.

" Hades, the god of the underworld. Thanatos, the guy that came here earlier? That's the god of death. Try not to get them mixed up."

" Do you have powers too? I mean Thor has powers, and you've already told us a bunch of other weird stuff." I nod my head.

" I do, you will more than likely see than with time."

" What about your sister, is she a demigod?"

" Yes, my friends are too. You shouldn't annoy them, especially Reyna, she's already mad at me."

" Why should we believe you? You haven't exactly been an open book, or very trustworthy." This comment came from Natasha, typical.

" You don't really have a choice. You can either believe me, or you can die because you thought I was lying. It's your choice."

" He is telling the truth, Natasha, I have heard stories about these people. There no joke." Thor says. " You should tell them of your adventures, demigod."

" Later Thor." I look at the clock on the wall, it's already ten at night. " You guys should sleep, it's getting late, and you will want to be rested of other demigods are coming tomorrow." I turn and walk to my room. They probably want to have some super secret conversation without me. When I get to my room, I pace back and forth, not wanting to sleep any more.   

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