Chapter 15: Try Not To Fall on Floors.

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" I don't know how I did that. It just happened. I wanted you to stop being controlled, and it happened." I tell them.

" So now you can just wish something and it will come true? What, are you just going to wish away this whole problem?" Tony says. I shake my head. I don't think it works like that. It must have been that potion. That's how I cured Thor. If it worked on him, I bet it will work on Steve too.

" Let's get back." I tell them. " Look, I don't think I can take all of you at once. I'll take Tony and Natasha first. Thor, I'll have to come back for you. Hold my hands." I reach out my hands for them to grab. Tony is hesitant, but he grabs my hand anyway. He probably thinks I'm crazy. " Thor turn off the lights." He does, and I focus on the darkness, becoming one of them. I think of Bruce, and my bed. I open my eyes to light, and then I'm falling. I fall down on my bed. Sadly, Natasha and Tony were not so lucky. They landed on the floor.

"Ouch. Really Nico? That was awful." Tony says. Of course Tony is going to whine. It's not like I just saved his life or anything. I don't respond, and instead go back to the lab, where Thor is waiting. When I get there, I notice that he's not alone. Some random mortal is there. It wouldn't be that big of a deal if that random mortal wasn't shooting at Thor. I duck behind a table. Thor is in the middle of the room dodging bullets.

" Thor! Over here!" I yell. I catch Thor's attention. I also catch the attention of the guy shooting bullets. Instead of shooting Thor he starts shooting at me. I rush out from behind the table and run to Thor. I hear a bullet whistle right pass my ear as we dissolve in darkness. This time, Thor lands on top of my bed. I land right beside it. It doesn't feel nice falling from the ceiling to the floor. I sit up and see everyone standing around the bed, arguing. Someone barricaded the door. I can hear Steve groaning, he's waking up. I walked over to him and put my hand on his head, willing the mind control away. He groans, shaking his head violently. When he opens his eyes, there the same color as before.

" I was being mind-controlled wasn't I?" He mumbles " Now that was a terrible experience." Now we have most of the team gathered here. The problem is, we're disorganized, and don't know what is going on besides that Loki is here. I jerked my head at the sound coming from the door. There's this loud thumping. I know they were trying to break it down, but it seems to be louder than before. They must have called reinforcement. From behind the door, I hear the same voice from my dreams. It's Loki.

" What are you buffoons doing! I said knock it down, is it so hard to knock down a door a couple monkeys like you couldn't do it? We need the boy!" He yells. Another voice, this one more gruff, starts talking.

" On three. One, two,"

A/N Chapter 15! hope you enjoyed it.

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