Chapter 7: Kids like to throw knives.

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Steve didn't seem like he wanted to punch first, so I did. That pushed him to Defense. He began walking closer to me, and when he was in range, I flipped him on his back, he landed with a loud smack. Even Natasha seemed surprised. I learned that move from Annabeth, so I could defeat some of the cocky Ares kids. They were convinced that they could beat the 'Great ghost king' in a fight. They were not so Cocky after that.

"where did you learn that?" Steve asked.

"If you ever get the pleasure of meeting Annabeth, don't ever, ever, get on her bad side." That's probably good advice for everyone. One time the Stolls pranked the Athena cabin, it did NOT end well.

"Well, since you can fight in hand-to-hand, how well can you shoot?" Clint walks over and grabs some arrows and a bow, and some throwing knives. He walks over to the bull's eyes and waves me over. He first hands me the Arrows and a bow. Great, I am terrible at the bow. Don't get me wrong, I can hit the target, but I'm pretty sure the only person worse at the bow than me is Percy. I let loose the first arrow, and it hits the side of the target.

" I'm terrible at the bow, trust me, I've tried." I tell them sheepishly. I take a couple more shots, and I hit the bull's eye once. From my pocket, something starts buzzing. I try to stifle a scream, but I'm sure my jump gave it away. They all try to stifle laughter. Out of my pocket, I pull out a rectangle thing that's called a 'phone'. Leo's trying to make some that are monster-proof, and so far he has perfected three. Each camp has one, and he gave me one since I'm on a quest. " Hello?"

"NICO!" Hazel screams at me. I have to take the phone away from my ear she's so loud. "You went on a quest and didn't bother to tell me? I'm at camp right now, and Will had to tell me you were gone after I had searched for two hours. TWO hours Nico. Reyna's so mad she's turning red." uh oh. Reyna and I had become close friends later, she's a pretty cool person until she's mad, then you want to stay away as far as possible and as long as possible.

"Look, I'm sorry I forgot to call you guys, ok? I've been pretty busy this week. I do miss you guys though. Will I be needed for any meeting?" Even though both camps don't really need me as an ambassador, I do take part in most meetings between camps most of the time since Percy is too busy with school and Reyna with running Camp Jupiter. 

"No, We have everything covered. I do want to see you, where are you staying?" Hazels replies. I look over at the people standing in front of me. They all seem very invested in listening to my conversation.

"I'm in New York right now, maybe you can visit tomorrow. Tell Reyna I miss her too. I have to go though. Bye Hazel."

"Stay safe Nico, Bye." I end the call and set my phone down. Steve went to go get a glass of water, but Natasha and Clint both look like they have questions.

"Who's Reyna and Hazel?" Natasha starts. Great here we go again.


"What Meeting's?"

"Important ones."

"Important how?

"Classified." The 'classified' comment seems to bother her, but she stays silent. I pick up some throwing knives. I hit two bull's eye out of three knives. I was getting ready to throw a fourth when Bruce walks in.

"Lunchtime people." He calls out. Clint and Natasha run to the elevator, but Steve and I walk.

"Hey, so yesterday, you knew that I was Captain America, but you didn't remember anyone else. Why is that?" He asks me. I know because Bianca would talk about him all the time. I may not remember anything after being dipped in the Lethe, but Captain America had posters of him all over the Lotus Casino. He was like Bianca's Idol. She didn't get to figure out that Captain was alive though before she died.

"My sister knew you, "Is all I tell him. He smiles at me.

"The sister on the phone? She seemed nice."

" No, on the phone was Hazel. I'm talking about someone else." I walk a little faster and run up the stairs before he can catch up. Although it's been a long time since Bianca died, I still miss her. The pain of her not being here hasn't gone away. I know it won't.

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