Chapter 13: Galaxies in a Bottle.

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A/N Credit to Marvel and Rick Riordan.

I flop onto my bed. " What about Clint!" Bruce yells. Clint, we just left him out there! " He's still out there!" Now we're one team member short. " We have to go get him!" It should have been me. " Guy's! Pay attention!"

" Bruce, it's no use, he's gone. We," Natasha took a deep breath. " We can go retrieve the body later. I saw him go down. He's dead."

" No way, he can't be dead. That's crazy." Bruce starts shaking.

" I saw him go down Bruce. I'm sorry." Natasha says. They both seem so sad. I didn't know Clint very long, but it's still sad to lose him.

" We need to make a plan. The tower was just attacked. We cannot just hide in here forever." I tell them.

" No sadness at all then Nico? Someone just dies and you move on? What kind of monster are you!" Bruce yell's. I'm the monster? I just want to make sure no one else dies.

" Unless you want to join Clint, I suggest that we make some kind of plan doctor. We, Were, Attacked." I try to stay calm, but all of their anger is getting to me. From the door, there a knock. Steve can be heard from the other side of the door.

" Guy's! It's me! Let me in!" He says. Natasha goes to open the door. As soon as she unlocks it Steve burst through. Only it isn't Steve. Steve has eye's blue as the sky, warm and welcoming. His eye's now were dark, and cold as ice. He pushed Natasha out of the way and brought out a knife from his pocket. He aimed it at Bruce.

" Bruce! DODGE!" I yell. He dives for the floor and I tackle Steve, bringing us both to the floor. Natasha comes over and injects something in Steve, and he passes out. I jump up and lock the door again.

" J.A.R.V.I.S lock down the building" Bruce says.

" Yes Doctor." The window goes dark as it seals. I turn on a light and Bruce looks me in the eyes.

" How did you know he was being controlled?" I shrug.

" I just knew. I saw that he no longer had the same spirit."

" He was being controlled by Loki, it must have been him. If he's affected, the whole building could be affected. We can't trust anyone. Nico your a demigod, do you have anything that could help us out." Natasha asks. Mind control? I thought that was only myth. I guess I should know better than to assume things come from Myth, since my whole life revolves around myth. I go to my drawer and rummage through my stuff. " You didn't bring much did you Nico?"

" Nope." A bottle falls out of my clothes. The bottle my father gave me. He said to use it in a time of need. Did he mean now, or should I wait?

" What's that?" Bruce asks

" It's a potion from my father. He said to drink it when in need."

" Do you know what it's made of?"

" Nope."

" They don't tell you much do they?"

" You don't know the half of it." I tell them. I stare at the bottle, the liquid is this dark blue color, and the bottle is old fashioned. Simply a glass with a cork. In the bottom, golden flecks have settled. Shake it, drink it. I hear my father say. He must have said it in my head, because Natasha and Bruce didn't react. I shake up the bottle, making it look like a night sky with the flecks everywhere. I uncork it, and down the drink. I fall to the floor, my insides feeling on fire. I hear Natasha and Bruce scream, then everything goes black. 

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