Chapter 9: Nightmares on Mountains..

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" We intercepted this message from an outpost on Mt. Orthrus, we believe someone is working with Loki on this one, which is why we have Di-Angelo working with you." Fury looked around, " Where is he?"

" He stormed off into his room, sir." I tell Fury. Fury walks down the hallway and stops at Nico's door. When he tries to open it, an audio voice talks from the ceiling.

" I cannot let anyone in sir." The voice says.

" I override this security measure J.A.R.V.I.S." Tony calls out.

" Very well sir." The door swings open, revealing a large room. On the bed, Nico is sleeping in his clothes. Natasha snaps a picture before Fury walks over and shakes Nico to wake him up. Nico just groans and rolls off the bed.

" Ow, again, really?" He says. I burst out in laughter. He immediately stands up and glares at me. Not one of his death glares, so he must not be really mad.

" What's so hilarious Jackson? I was sleeping."

" Yes, you said 'Ow, again.' so you have fallen off multiple time then?" I laugh even harder.

" It isn't like you haven't done stupid thing too, kelp-head." He walks over to me and whispers in my ear " I have heard the stories. I know you fell asleep in the horse stables." He walks out of his room and down the hallway. " I have to go somewhere!" he yelled over his shoulder. " Be back later!" He ran into a shadow and disappeared, all of the avengers stared at the spot he used to be.

" Where did he go?" Fury growls.

" They were right, he is powerful." Thor says. We stand in silence until I leave. I'm sure Mom and Paul are waiting for me.

Nico's point of view.

After I shut the door on Percy, I fell asleep. Probably not the best idea, but it was worth it. I started having a dream as soon as I closed my eyes.

I was on a mountain, and I was sitting in the shadows, listening in to a conversation between a large man wearing a suit. He was bald, and he kept rolling his shoulders. He was talking to another man. This one is smaller, and wearing Green. He had black hair, and eyes bluer than the sky, but they were shifty. A little ways away, I saw a manticore, and several cyclops, waiting patiently next to a huge blue giant, who looked like he was holding the sky. " I sent the video." The black haired guy say's.

" Good work Loki, thank you for freeing me, now we can plan our attack. How should we proceed on the Avengers tower?" Loki tilts his head, then looks right where I'm standing.

"We should wait sir, we have ears listening." Loki smiles at me, " Come out in the light, demigod." My body lurches forward, but instead, I fall down. Blinding light hits me in the eyes.

" Ow, again, really?" I whisper. Someone burst out laughing. I stand up to see all of the Avengers gathered in my room, along with Percy, who has almost fallen over laughing. " What's so hilarious Jackson. I was sleeping." I growl. Through his laughter he manages to say,

" You said 'Ow, again?' so you have fallen off multiple times?" He keeps laughing. I walk up to him.

" It's not like you haven't done stupid things too, kelp head," I change my voice to a whisper," I have heard the stories, I know you fell asleep in the horse stables." He stops laughing, I'm sure that will embarrass him enough. I walk out of my room and head for a shadow. I need to talk to Luke. " I have to go somewhere! Be back later!" I yell over my shoulder. I jump into the shadow.

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