Chapter 19: Waiting.

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 Saying goodbye to Will, I put my plate away and walk to my cabin. I can finally use a sword again. I hated living in the avengers tower and not being able to practice my sword. I practiced with my sword everyday until I went on my quest, it almost drove me crazy not practicing. I always thought I was forgetting something even though I wasn't. I open my door and grab my sword that's by my bed. I don't grab my armor, I only normally wear that if I'm in an actual battle. Capture the flag in the dark is one of my favorite games, probably because it's in the dark. I can see really well in the dark, it's kind of a part of me. I almost became a literal shadow. Will still brings it up at every possible moment, you would think he's mad at me. I walk out of my cabin and over to the Avengers to explain the game.

" Alright guys," at the sound of my voice Tony jumps and almost falls off the bench.

" Dude! You can't do that! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

" Your fine, I would have known if you were close to death. Anyway I came to tell you guys about Capture the flag, It might be a little bit different than your used to."

"Back up," Bruce raised both of his hands in a stop motion "Let's go back to the part where you said that you could sense if he was close to death? How does that work?"

" I'll explain later. Now capture the flag, do all of you have some form of weapon?" Everyone nodded their heads yes. " That's great. In capture the flag, we play it in the woods, there are a lot of monsters in the woods, so you should stick with a trained camper. The goal is to get the other teams flag before they get yours, if you were unaware. There can be no killing or maiming, and you cannot hurt any of the trees. The nymphs get angry." I shudder, you do not want to see an angry nymph, or a satyr for that matter, it's not a pretty site. " that's pretty much it on the rules. The flag must be in plain site, cannot join another team after the game has started, stuff like that."

" Can we go back and talk about your death powers now?"

"Nope, the game is going to start soon. You guys are on the red team with Hades cabin, Athena, Hermes, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Hebe, and Hecate. All of the other cabins with campers in them are on the other team. Try to remember who's on our team. If you don't it could get messy." A horn sounds, it's time for us to start playing. I grin, and Natasha get this scared look on her face.

" You look like a maniac."

" I get that a lot. Come on, the game's going to start." I turn and sprint to a mob of people with the red flag. The last cabin to win was the Ares cabin, so Ares symbol is on the flag in black. Clarrisse claps to get the campers to quiet down.

"Alright weirdos, I'm in charge so listen up. We need to beat the blue team in capture the flag. Simple as that. You know the rules, no killing, no maiming. Just get the flag." Annabeth stepped up next to Clarrise. Annabeth decided to come to camp this weekend, so Percy could have some personal time with his mom.

" Okay. Here's the plan. Palo, I want you and Lou Ellen to hide the flag up in a tall tree and guard it. Take anyone from your own cabin with you. I want Hermes cabin to set up some traps around the flag. I want scouts to go and try to locate the flag, If anyone finds it, come back and grab reinforcements." Annabeth looks at me. "Nico, can you try and scare the other team away with some of your skeletons?"

" Wait Skeletons? That's crazy! People cannot raise skeletons!" Bruce yells out.

"Correction, Mortals cannot raise skeletons, some demigods can." I say. "It would be my pleasure Annabeth."

" I think you take too much pleasure in scaring campers Nico." Lou Ellen says.


"What other powers do you have?" Natasha asks.

" I'll tell you later."

" That's what you said last time, and the time before that. I want to know now Nico."

" Wait, they don't know what you can do Skeleton Boy?" Clarisse questions.

" No, they don't. I'll tell them later."

" Let's get to the forest people. Come on." Annabeth Starts walking out into the forest, and we all follow her. We head toward Zeus' fist, and we hide the flag in the tree. Five teams head off to look for the other teams flag, and I hide in the shadows of Zeus' fist, waiting. Natasha decided to stay too, but all the other Avengers are out in scouting groups. Lou Ellen is at the top of the tree, ready with some nasty magic pranks. Now all we have to do is wait. 

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