Chapter 18: FOOD.

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I wake up to someone shaking me. Violently. I groan, whatever time it is, it's too early to wake up. " Go away." I tell whoever is shaking me. In response, someone pushes me off the bed. This wakes me up. I sit up and glare at the person who pushed me off the bed. It was Will. Of course it was Will. He starts laughing at me. I shove his legs and he falls to the floor too, but he's still laughing at me. " What's so funny Solace?" I ask. He looks at me and tries to stifle his laughter.

"Your expression, when I knocked you off the bed, it was hilarious." he answers. I get up off the floor and brush off my jeans, I should clean my floor.

" What was so incredibly important that you had to wake me up from my sleep?"

" Food. You need food."

" Sleep is better."

" You had your sleep, now it's time to eat." Will grabs my hands and drags me outside. Even though it's evening, it's still too bright outside. The team has gathered outside already, Will must have grabbed them. I can see Tony desperately trying to hide his smile about me being dragged outside, but he's failing at it, terribly. " Let's go." Will says to the team. We walk up to Zeus table, and I tell the team about how your supposed to sacrifice some of your meal and stuff. I have a 'doctor's note' that says I should sit at the Apollo table, so I don't sit with the team. I snatch a plate and grab some pasta. I really enjoy sitting at the Apollo table, they always have something interesting to talk about. Apparently, another Ares kid got one of their fingers cut off, and an Athena kid caught their cabin on fire. One of the new kids also caught Clovis sleeping, and after they couldn't wake him up they dragged him to the infirmary. (He was alright. Just mad someone woke him up.) I finished most of my pasta, even though it tasted like chalk. I watched as Chiron stood up at his table.

" Demigods, tonight I would like to welcome some guests that will be staying with us today. Please give a warm welcome to the Avengers!" He gestured toward the Avengers, and the dining hall erupted in applause. Multiple people, including lots of the Aphrodite cabin started screaming their favorite Avenger. At one point I heard someone yell Clint, and my good spirits fell. Clint was an amazing person, an even better Avenger. I miss him, even if I didn't know him that long. Once the cheering dies down Chiron starts speaking again. " To celebrate with our guest, I thought we could play some night capture the flag! Cabin leader can come up and see which team they will be on, and no one under the age of eight may play." He sits down, and chatter starts up again. I see several sad faces among some of the younger campers, but that's to be expected. Capture the flag is extra dangerous at night, because more monsters are active and people can't see very well. It's still fun to play though. Will walks up and looks at the list for teams. " Apollo cabin is on Blue team, but your on red team with the Avengers Nico." Will says, sitting back down. This should be interesting, Will and I have only been on different teams a couple times. The last few times were interesting to say the least.

"Capture the Flag in twenty minutes people!" Yelled Chiron. Yes, this definitely will be interesting. The Avengers haven't played capture the flag before, their skills might prove useful. I get up and put my plate away, heading toward Zeus table. I can see all of their confused faces. They have no idea what all the commotion is about. They are definitely in for a treat.  

A/N Chapter 18! So who is everybody favorite Avenger? Mine is Iron Man, I think he's hilarious. 

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