Chapter 14: Prince of Shadows

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I awoke to Natasha shaking me. " Hey, your awake. Bruce he's awake!" She called out. I sit up and see Bruce coming toward us. He kneels down next to me.

" Kid you alright?"

" It's not kid It's Nico. What happened?" I remember drinking the bottle, but nothing after that. I ache like I just ran a marathon though.

" You drank that potion then you fell on the floor. You haven't been out long. Maybe twenty minutes. The building was attacked, and they have control over it now. We were deciding if we should try to find anyone else." Searching for the others would be a good idea. We would have more power to take them down. I could shadow travel. I couldn't take more than one person though. It would be hard making so many jumps at once. They would also know what my powers are. I've been avoiding telling them in case they freak out.

"Alright. I have an idea. I can take one person." Will is so going to kill me.

" What are you going to do?"

"I can do this thing. It's like teleportation except you use shadows. I can take one person with me but taking two would be too much. So who's coming?"

" I will." Natasha says. Great stuck with Natasha. I guess it would be the correct choice. She would be more sneaky than Banner.

" Fine. We have Steve, we've seen Clint, which means that we are looking for Tony and Thor. Any ideas where they might hide if the building was attacked?"

" They're probably hiding in a lab. That's where they were when I last saw them."

" Where would that be?"

"Two floors above this one."

" I need something more specific. Describe what the room looks like. It will be easier for me to get to an exact location that way."

" It looks like a lab. White, with lots of desks and computers."

" So helpful Natasha, I think you just described half the Labs in the world."

" It's not the time for sarcasm Nico." She's right. We're losing time. I'm not going to admit that to her though.

" Grab my hand." Natasha reached out to grab it, but almost retracted her hand when she touched me.

" I don't think you're supposed to be this cold" She comments

" It's normal. Just like a fresh corpse. Turn off the lights." Bruce reaches up and turns them off. I focus on the darkness, her body and mine, and the lab two floors above. I feel myself join the shadows, and the whispers start. Join us. You belong with us. The shadows whisper to me. I hope Natasha can handle shadow traveling I don't know the effects it could have on her. You are our prince. Stay. The shadows keep whispering in my ear. Billions of souls, lost to the darkness. I imagine the lab. Bright white, computers, beeping noises. The whispering stops, and I open my eyes to see we made it. We're also not alone. Tony and Thor are both there, but Thor looks like he's entranced, and Tony is fighting him. Natasha and I both tackle Thor. He stays on his feet, and throws Natasha against a wall. He holds me by the front of my shirt, pulling me off the ground.

" It seems I've caught myself another demigod. You could be useful little one." I reach out my hand and touch Thor's arm to try and get him to let go.

"Thor! You're being controlled! You aren't you!" I yell in desperation. From where my hands touch his arm, a dark purple light starts shining. It travels like smoke from my hands up to Thor's eye's. The color of his eyes change from Icy blue back to their original color, and he drops me on the ground. He staggers back a little, grabbing onto the nearest table.

" I-I was being controlled. Y-you stopped it." He stutters. I turn to see Tony and Natasha staring at me. Oh Styx. What did I get myself into?

A/N Here's Chapter 14! What do you guys think?

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