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"Madara..." She tried to say, but everything was fuzzy around her. Her voice couldn't find its way out. "Madara... I'm so sorry..."

The man she called sat right next to her, holding her in his arms. "Amane... hold on, I'm going to save you."

"No," the girl shook her head furiously. "You need to get out of here. You have to live." Even if she was lying on the ground, unaware of her surroundings, she could tell the man beside her was shaking his head. "Madara, please..."

Madara pressed his lips into a thin line but shed no tear. Amane looked up at him with a smile on her face. Blood tainted her teeth red, but she didn't seem to be in pain. "I want you to live with me," Madara said.

She shook her head once again. "I'm done for, but don't worry, I will come back. I promise."

"How can you come back?" Madara snarled. "No, there's no way I'm letting you die, Amane. Hang in there."

"Madara..." Amane raised her hand and caressed his cheek. Madara shivered at her cold touch but pressed her hand tighter into his face with his palm. "It's okay..." her voice was a soft murmur, and Madara flinched, closing his eyes tightly. He knew, deep inside, there was nothing else he could do for her.

Her injury was severe, and there was nothing within his abilities he could do for her. She was losing too much blood far too quickly, and her own body had given up trying to heal. She was just wasting her own chakra, which was far too low as well. If Madara had known Amane was in trouble, he would have come to save her, but now it was too late. There was nothing he could do.

"Madara," Amane said again, her voice almost silent. "I love you."

For the first time, tears were brimming in his eyes. He clenched his teeth. In her last moments, Amane caressed Madara's cheek once more before her hand fell like dead weight.

Madara tightened his hands into fists and screamed loudly. The clouds roared with thunder and the soil cracked under his feet. Panting, Madara swore, "I'm going to avenge you, Amane. Even if it's the last thing I do."

A Lethal Weapon - ALW Saga Book 1 [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now