Chapter 3

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Once again, the shuriken hit dead center on the practice target. Hanako prepared another shuriken, when she heard someone aweing behind her. She looked over her shoulder to find her sister smiling at her. Hanako put down the weapon, and turned to face her fully. "Why must you always stand behind me?" She raised an eyebrow.

Hikari chuckled. "Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt."

Hanako sighed. "That's what you just did."

"I guess I did," Hikari walked towards her sister and took the shuriken from her hand. Hanako watched her throw the star towards the target and almost hit its center. "That was close," she muttered with chuckle. Her eyes then fell on the younger Uchiha. "Have you been working on your eyes?"

Hanako looked at the ground. "Not really..."

"You have been taking Fugaku-sama's advice, right? Don't be afraid to use them." Hanako pursed her lips. "Come on, use them on me. Right now."

Hanako widened her eyes. "What, but—"

Hikari glared at her. "Use. Them. On. Me."

There wasn't room left for refusing. Hanako took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Once she felt the usual warmth in her irises, she opened them. Her vision was red, and soon she found Hikari's pupils. She was absorbed into them, into a world painted black. She saw her sister's first colouring book, her first fallen tooth, her first day in the academy, her first grade book. All were fragments from Hikari's past, which soon became the present. Hikari was with her when they met Fugaku, and then she saw her classes after. More images showed her Hikari's future graduation, her team and her first sensei. She saw a boy with black curly hair smiling at her and Hikari laughing. Then a mission, then screams. Hikari was running, and she saw that same boy holding someone in his arms. There was blood staining his shirt and their eyes were lost. The last thing she saw was her sister, eyes teary and red...the Sharingan.

When Hanako was brought back to reality, she realized she was sweating cold. Hikari was expecting to know what she had seen, but Hanako was just processing all the images that flowed in her mind. "Well?" she finally asked.

Hanako looked up. "I saw the moment when first awaken your Sharingan." Hikari's smile vanished. She didn't know if she should be happy, or not. She was happy because she would eventually get her hereditary power; but at the same time she wasn't happy because it meant she would have to face a tragedy. One thing she knew was that the Sharingan was linked to strong emotions. And those usually referred to the death of someone close, fear of dying in an event, or simply anger. She hoped Hanako saw the latter, but due to her pale face she assumed it was the first or the second.

"Cool," Hikari muttered, looking away from her sister. "I guess you won't be ahead of me anymore."

Hanako didn't laugh. She didn't even smile. That made Hikari be sure, what she saw was a tragedy. "Let's go home."

"The death of a friend. You will arrive late, there's nothing you can do about it," Hanako suddenly said, confirming Hikari's assumptions. The look on her eyes said it all. Hikari shook her head.

"Maybe, we'll see when it happens. I have to graduate first to go on missions, don't I?"

"You graduate in less than a week. That mission may happen in a month or so..." Hanako looked at the ground. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have used it on you, I shouldn't have said anything." Tears were gathering in her eyes.

Hikari ran to her sister and hugged her tightly. "I told you to do it. It's okay, Hanako. We'll see if it's true or not. Okay? The future is always uncertain, we can't take anything for granted."

A Lethal Weapon - ALW Saga Book 1 [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now